umm titantic, may want to give this one some extra room...

  • pxmcc
  • 02-27-2021, 11:12 PM

is this a harbinger of things to come or business as usual? why or why not?

i got a big kick out of those who said the freeze last week was proof of there being no global warming. no, i think it is more evidence of global warming. i can't remember the correct term, but there is a band of wind and high pressure around the north pole which keeps the arctic weather separate from that of the southern latitudes. the theory is that as the Arctic heats up, that band destabilizes and southern latitudes get a blast of arctic air as that ring streches and even collapses in some areas. who left the dogs out and the ice box open..
CryptKicker's Avatar
You do realize this is about Antarctica and that is in the Southern Hemisphere, right?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2021, 10:14 AM
You do realize this is about Antarctica and that is in the Southern Hemisphere, right? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
yes. the storm was out of the arctic and this iceberg is from the antarctic. i did not claim they were both from the arctic. and yes i know where the titantic was when it went down-nearer the arctic than the antarctic by about 10,000 miles lol.
boardman's Avatar
"The ice shelf flows toward the sea at a rate of about 2 kilometers per year and icebergs break off at irregular intervals.
'Change in the ice at Halley is a natural process and there is no connection to the calving events seen on Larsen C Ice Shelf, and no evidence that climate change has played a significant role,' according to the BAS."

So what? Global warming is only happening in the northern hemisphere?
According to Kerry and AOC predictions we have about 9 years left. Fuck it, let's party like it's 2029...
  • pxmcc
  • 03-01-2021, 02:24 PM
^^lol sir..
TryWeakly's Avatar
You do realize this is about Antarctica and that is in the Southern Hemisphere, right? Originally Posted by CryptKicker
LOL, sir !
winn dixie's Avatar
Shit! Time to start hoarding water
VitaMan's Avatar
Dystopians ?
winn dixie's Avatar
Penquin meat anyone?