
what is up with some of these girls with a different and new contact # every got me curious should i stay away. im a newbie here so would like someone with wisdom to give some info about this.
CuddlyForest's Avatar
First off welcome! Depending on the provider, there could be a legitimate reason to change a phone number. However a properly reviewed and verified provider, in my experience, will rarely change their number if they can help it. Much less on a weekly basis. Everyone should have/use a hobby pre-paid burn phone, but remember.. scammers also use them as well.

Ultimately, you'll be safe if you stick to verified and reviewed providers. Starting out can be a pain, so don't go treading new territory on your own.

Stick to either well known providers or get yourself a account. Once again welcome!

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I guess mods will move this to the proper section soon enough.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar
Well, sometimes we have to change them to stay discreet. I have just changed mine again due to calls from creditors from another person that used my number on her applications for loans and etc...I got so tired of receiving these calls.

Also, we have people that hack into out phones and forward our calls to other numbers....which doesn't help our business if you know what I mean....

cowboy10/4's Avatar
I know one girl changed her number cause some guy kept calling her making death threats! If she wouldn't see him for free.
Heather Anderson's Avatar
There are some of us with legitimate reasons, but if you see it happening frequently, then I would proceed with caution. Look at reviews, ask other hobbyist when in doubt. I changed mine recently due to harassment, as a client's wife found my number in his phone.