friend and I found this spider and we have been searching online as to what kind this is. We posted it on Facebook and no one could think of what it could be. We have never seen any spider like this in Texas.
It's not a wolf spider or a hobo spider. We thought it could be a Garden Orb Weaver, but it's not. It's not a brown recluse because those have 6 eyes and it's too big to be one. I thought tarantula but it turned out not to be that either.
This spider had 8 eyes and 8 legs. It's fuzzy, yellow back, bright grey head, and redish tan arms. It's about 3 inches big.
I'm thinking it was imported from Africa and has escaped and now wants to kill us all like that 1990 movie hahahaha I'm just kidding! Honestly though if anyone knows what kind of spider this is we'd really like to know!