Why no providers in Midland/Odessa ?

I have noticed for the past 3 or 4 months- no providers visit Midland/Odessa but quite a few visit Lubbock. Very very few providers visit Midland/Odessa on a regular basis. Most of them if and when they visit which is rare are just driving by and making a stop here. What gives?

I think there is quite a decent client base size in Midland/Odessa. As Midland and Odessa are really twin cities but for all practical reasons just 1 city and combined it is as big as Lubbock with the same population.. So Why ??

And the only strip club in Odessa- Jaguars Gold - is one of the worst strip clubs I have been to-- overpriced rip off prices and average to mediocre girls.
did you contact puertoricansandra.com? she was considering coming
Turkish!'s Avatar
It cums in waves dude. Right now the NBA allstar game is cumming up in Dallas so most will stay cuz the biz is good. It will pick back up next month.. A lot of times they go to Lubbock and get a lot of cancellations. When you see an Ad that is non specific on a location in West Texas, submit your intrest then they will make plans to cum this way instead of there.