CNN caught in another lie.

I B Hankering's Avatar

This woman says, "Dice que están muy bien." Which translates as: "He says he's very good" -- not "Trump is a heartless monster" as CNN translates it.

bambino's Avatar
Why is that news?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can you say out of context?

Nothing like assholes quoting assholes who act like assholes.

LexusLover's Avatar
Is that a "woman" even?

Perhaps according to AssUp!
They are trying to astroturf illegal immigration that's why it's news. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Perception is reality. The don't even bother annotating their corrections.

In other words: FAKE NEWS!
lustylad's Avatar
CNN lied again? Daayyuumm!

Last year CNN garnered four of the top ten "Fake News" award slots, beating out ABC, Time, Newsweek, the Washington Post and the NYT (which all made the list).

I guess CNN is trying hard to remain #1 in Fake News in 2018!

Kinda like the way assup campaigns so vigorously to keep his DOTY title!