Home HIV test kits

jhende3's Avatar
I'm posting this knowing a lot of people will read it but probably no one will post anything positive about it. But take it for what it worth.

rednecksatyr's Avatar
That test could be an outstanding addition to anyone's medicine cabinet.

My only negative thought and comment is I see no comments on the ad indicating that the FDA or AMA has reviewed or tested the product.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Wow! I had no idea any of the at home tests existed. Did you see the combo pack? It includes a test for Chlamydia, Hep. B/C, HIV, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis. That covers just about everything except HPV and Herpes. Simply amazing!
Rednecksatyr, this one is FDA-approved:

jhende3's Avatar
The first one I posted was approved by some other organization that I think are overseas. But it's something to think about