When your day job makes you think WTF...

mellobugler's Avatar
So I'm working in a data base and one of the tables is FS_TYPE and the primary key is FS_TYPE_CD (where CD stands for the code) and I can't get sex off my mind. The day was over at that point...


Any ladies want to explore the possible FS_TYPE_CD's
pmdelites's Avatar
cd = cross-dresser, cum dumpster, cum deep, collective disappointment, cherry dimples, ????
:^} :^} :^},
shortblkguy's Avatar
I work in IT also and have had those moment when acronyms remind me of the hobby and the days is shot
So, I'm thinking about sex and something reminds me of work...then, I remember that I recently retired...and I go back to thinking about sex.
rexdutchman's Avatar
And your point at 57 I think of sex all day long, (without help )
We use the term "force finish and reinsert" that always gets me thinking.
mellobugler's Avatar
We use the term "force finish and reinsert" that always gets me thinking. Originally Posted by belron