Arvhived Questions from the New York Public Library ~ pre-Google.

From the photog's lead-in article on

"Imagine if search engines like Google didn't exist. How would you find answers to your questions pre-Internet?

Well, you'd probably have to go to the library and do some research. That, or ask a librarian to do it for you.

The New York Public Library recently discovered an archive of reference questions that people asked its librarians back in the last century..."

I started reading these before bed last night. Pretty funny stuff. Some not so funny. I had no idea being a librarian in the 20th century would have been so interesting and abnormally personal.

These are a few of my favorites:

"If a poisonous snake bites itself, will it die?" - Sept 22, 1949

[A woman looking for] "inspirational material on grass and lawns." - June 8, 1955