
HDGristle's Avatar
This needs investigated. People need to be held responsible. Justice needs meted out.


Should be no partisanship. No cute, bullshit ways to twist this into an attack or talking point ahainst U.S. politicians.

Mass graves, civilians dead in the street. Folks executed either their hands tied behind their backs. Unacceptable, horrific, inexcusable carnage.

We should all be able to agree on this.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-04-2022, 07:01 PM

You can't trust either side in a war zone.
HDGristle's Avatar

There's more than enough corroboration for even Fox News to call bullshit on that
Devo is right nothing is happening everyone is a crisis actor. Those decomposing bodies in the road are manikins. That mass grave next to the church is cgi. The babushkas being interviewed are just really really good actors from hollywood.



bambino's Avatar

��The Butscha massacre��

04.04.22 ⚠️ The Butscha massacre was committed by the KHAZARIAN Ukrainians themselves in order to draw NATO and Europe into the war against Russia. Here is proof: Ukrainian police filmed how they entered Butcha on April 2, 2022. There are no dead people in the video, nor do people tell anything about the alleged massacre by the Russian army, which, according to official data, left the town as early as March 30, 2022. If you see the photos of the dead, you will notice that almost all of them wear white armbands. These armbands are used by Russian soldiers as a distinctive mark. So the dead were showing solidarity with Russia. This leads to only one conclusion: the carnage on Bucha's streets was caused by Ukrainian units. ⚡️ #anonymousnews.org


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Bambino why is your generation so devoid of critical thinking? Too much lead in your child hood home?

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 04-05-2022, 02:41 PM
The problem is, you have Ukrainian civilians fighting back, and that blurs the lines between who is, and who isn't a combatant.

Sound a bit like Vietnam?

How about the Vet I knew who carried the weight of shooting a 13 year old VC, it took him decades to accept that fact, that child or not, it was kill or be killed.

War isn't pretty, I hope that awakens some of you to what it would look like here.