New SHOCKING poll has Obama up with early voters

And a huge majority recognize, unlike the morons posting here, that the electoral college numbers don't work for Romney.

Yes, it's true. A poll that completely contradicts that other poll. And this one is a "good" poll. Better than that other one.

"53 percent of all registered voters predicted Obama would win the November 6 election, while only 29 percent said Romney would be the victor. A majority also said that they expected Obama to win their state.
That reflects the opinion of many analysts and pollsters who say Obama holds a tactical advantage in the state-by-state battle to win the White House.
Because Obama starts off with a greater likely number of states' electoral votes, Romney must win a higher number of the seven to 10 states that remain truly competitive.
Obama also holds an advantage among the 22 percent who said they have already cast their ballots. Some 55 percent of this group said they had voted for Obama, while 40 percent said they had voted for Romney."
Bagdad Timmy...............pimping for Obama up until the end......sad.
Bagdad Timmy...............pimping for Obama up until the end......sad. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Reuters is an Iraqi news agency? I didn't know that....I take it back.

Eat shit with your polls Whirly. Shouldn't you be monitoring the Sandy "media" event that you predicted? Or, maybe penning an apology for being such an asshole?
Waiting Whirly. Several dozen people dead. Damage in the tens of billions. How about that "media event" you predicted versus a real-time weather event accurately predicted, and now being reported.

Speak up asshole.
Come on you big-mouthed no-hat motherfucker. Speak up. You're posting on all the other threads. Let's hear from you on this one asshole.

Nothing to say when you have so demonstrably proved to be wrong, and when your comments were so demonstrably stupid? We'll wait dumbass.
Come on you big-mouthed no-hat motherfucker. Speak up. You're posting on all the other threads. Let's hear from you on this one asshole.

Nothing to say when you have so demonstrably proved to be wrong, and when your comments were so demonstrably stupid? We'll wait dumbass. Originally Posted by timpage
What do you expect from a Certified Cut and Runner!?

Whirly talks a good game but when it comes down to the nut cutting, he cuts and runs!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and leaves his nuts on the table...
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Come on you big-mouthed no-hat motherfucker. Speak up. You're posting on all the other threads. Let's hear from you on this one asshole.

Nothing to say when you have so demonstrably proved to be wrong, and when your comments were so demonstrably stupid? We'll wait dumbass. Originally Posted by timpage
Stop being like that to her.

We are hardly getting any friction now.

Think about how loose and sloppy she'll be by next Tuesday night.

Since chumslurper could sit on a traffic control cone and not notice, whirly may be all we have.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
OH shit, a poll shows Obama up, I guess I should vote for him now baa baa baa baa
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2012, 06:38 AM
OH shit, a poll shows Obama up, I guess I should vote for him now baa baa baa baa Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The point is not who you or I will vote for.

The point is who people in Ohio vote for.

Newsflash, Romney will win Texas.

Obama is going to win Ohio. You guys need to study the electorial Map a tad closer.
markroxny's Avatar
The so called Romney momentum is GONE. This is why you hear his side talking about "expanding the map" because they know they won't win Ohio and are desperate to find another path to 270, one they won't find.

and what's this Whirly???

UH OH....

Does the Rassmusen Electoral Map show Obama ahead???
Yssup Rider's Avatar
New RCP average out today shows the race a TOTAL tie nationally through results released 10/31, and Obama holding on to electoral college lead.

Additionally, Romney's lead in Rassmussen -- the most right leaning of the so-called legit pollsters has dropped to only 2 points.

Romney's lead in Florida is shrinking and at 1.2% is within every margin of error.

The tide has turned boys and girls. Please find the nearest panic button, teabaggers!
markroxny's Avatar
Poor Whirly
LexusLover's Avatar
"New SHOCKING poll has Obama up with early voters..."

Now where I voted!! Too many people smiling.