Latest Gallup poll has Romney losing his lead. The ship is sinking.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Start singing the blues boys. It's happening..

There is a mere week until the 2012 election to determine the next President of the United States, and it is going to be a tight race. The latest Gallup poll of registered voters was released on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 and shows that Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama are completely tied up at 48 percent each.

This shows that President Obama has gained support of registered voters while Governor Mitt Romney has lost his previous lead.

View slideshow: Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are heading to a tight race for the election
SEE: Donald Trump offers $5 million for Obama's college records

The latest Gallup Poll has the candidates tied with only a week until election.
Photo credit: CNN
Gallup polled people that are registered to vote in the upcoming election and simply asked them which candidate they favored. The poll results are include those that were undecided when asked whether they leaned more toward Obama or Romney.

The RealClearPolitics average of numerous polls has Romney sitting at 48 percent of support while Obama is at 47.1 percent.

SEE: Obama wins third presidential debate over Romney

Recent and upcoming appearances for both candidates have been canceled or rescheduled due to Hurricane Sandy. Many analysts predict that this won't have much of an affect on either Romney or Obama.

According to projected numbers on PollTracker through Tuesday afternoon on Oct. 30, 2012:

President Barack Obama:

Popular Percentage: 47.4
Projected Electoral Votes: 247
Mitt Romney:

Popular Percentage: 47.9
Projected Electoral Votes: 206
270 electoral votes are needed to win the election. On Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012, Romney was sitting at 206 projected electoral votes and Obama had 261.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
. . . Man the life boats!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-31-2012, 07:11 AM
. . . Man the life boats!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Now that is some funny shit!

That looks like COG and crew rowing away from Whirly, joe blow, Marshall and the rest of the drowning Tea Pukes!.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Whatzup...maybe you didn't get the message....Gallup has suspended their daily tracking polls. In fact they did it a couple of days ago. So what are you writing about?
Grab a oar barley the ship is sinking.
LovingKayla's Avatar
You guys really care about polls? They're all bullshit. I don't believe a one of them. One of those guys is way ahead.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Like Romney, you're changing your song when the music gets a little harder to play.

Typical inoculation move.

You know what's next, don't you?

Texas goes Blue in 2014!
You guys really care about polls? They're all bullshit. I don't believe a one of them. One of those guys is way ahead. Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Actually no the two are so weak they are running neck and neck.with apathy running a close second.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Whatzup...maybe you didn't get the message....Gallup has suspended their daily tracking polls. In fact they did it a couple of days ago. So what are you writing about? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Assup IS talking out of his ass. Gallup DID suspend it's polling for Sandy, but that doesn't keep Assup's ignorant ass from making up shit to placate the rest of the sotted Kool Aid sucking saps that brayed in this thread.
tttalinky's Avatar
Hey......that sinking ship you were talking about.....its called a SUBMARINE!

Watch out "Team Obama" you're going down.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
Assup IS talking out of his ass. Gallup DID suspend it's polling for Sandy, but that doesn't keep Assup's ignorant ass from making up shit to placate the rest of the sotted Kool Aid sucking saps that brayed in this thread.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
as I said before, Assup's is shitforbrains
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Gallup suspended their polling Monday evening because of the hurricane. Their latest poll released this Tuesday, October 30, 2012, was the result of their last poll done before their suspension of polling. Among likely voters it showed Romney leading 51% to 46%. Among registered voters it was tied 48% to 48%.

Assup your statement that Romney has lost his lead (in the Gallup Poll) is misleading. And I'm being nice about it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey fuckwads. Check my links. They were all good.

Gallup now has NEW information which, by the way, is skewed 4-5'points higher than everybody else ... Even Rasmussen, the whore of whores.

Do you feel manipulated?

You should.

Who gets the blame when you lose next Tuesday? Obama? Romneys sons who didn't fix the voting machines? Touchdown Jesus?

Get your shit together now. Its happening.m