Petraeus and Panetta Speak—But Not the President

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So why the stonewall?

From the article:

Seven weeks later, the White House still hasn't explained what President Obama did and didn't do during the seven hours of the attack on Benghazi on September 11. And there's been no response from the White House to questions asked by senators or THE WEEKLY STANDARD or David Ignatius in the Washington Post.

We have, to be sure, heard from some government officials. But the information they've provided raises still more questions.

CIA director David Petraeus authorized a statement pointedly saying that "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate"—which strongly suggests that Petraeus believes or knows that officials in other parts of the government may have told subordinates "not to help those in need."

Somebody's hiding something. We need to know now.
tttalinky's Avatar
tttalinky's Avatar
The country needs Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to have another "one on one" with President Obama and see if she can scare the truth out of him!

COG, you're a trained lawyer. Are you asking a question you don't know the answer to?

If Romney is elected President, I hope he appoints Jan Brewer or Sarah Palin to Head the Dept of Homeland Security.

Fuck it, just make Palin Secretary of State. That'll cause more liberal explosions than a Israeli airstrike.

VP Debate 2008:

I feel a liberal explosion already.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We know the why, Gnad. The truth would doom hid re-election.
It is like the birther issue he is waiting on it to self destruct.