Ashley Madison fembots

ParrotheadRich's Avatar
News reports now reveal what many of us suspected who subscribed to Ashley Madison. They were using fake accounts to keep people interested. It was always curious to me how these phony females would take an interest in you when you were down to just a few credits in your account.
Despite the shenanigans however, this old boy found three very accomplished cocksuckers who were proud to demonstrate their skills. One of them was bonafide crazy, one lonely, and the third just loved to have a dick in her mouth.
I had a great time with all of them.
Care to introduce your ladies?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I think you're the first person I know who's ever claimed to have any success getting laid (or getting his cock sucked) on Ashley Madison.

Ashley Madison wasn't the only site using fake accounts to keep men enticed, though. I belonged to a couple other dating sites that used very obviously fake female profiles when I was trolling dating sites a few years ago. At least one of them wasn't using completely fake accounts; several of the "women" on the site were identified in their profiles as being employees of the site, and I immediately suspected that the only reason they were messaging me was to keep me interested in belonging to the site and to entice me to pay for a premium membership.

And for that matter, I've heard tell that eHarmony is a big site for men getting slammed with messages in their site inbox either before they pay for a "premium" membership, or about a week or less before their paid memberships are due to expire--the kicker being, of course, that you can't read messages unless you're a paid member in good standing. Needless to say, the "ladies" who are slamming your inbox then fall strangely silent after you pony up for a membership/renewal.

I only know about eHarmony second hand, though. I've never had the patience to actually join that site; it takes longer to fill out their damn questionnaire than most of my relationships have lasted.


harrypatt's Avatar
What sis you have to pay in return is the bigger question.
Alluring_Amber's Avatar
What an interesting read!
I had no idea sites like Ashley Madison and such had those types of things. I wonder if that's why my inbox is always full when I make a profile on those sites.. lol.
Nice to know!
I had a ton of luck on AM.....i killed my acct after the hack. The real ones reached out to me.....i am still in touch with 3
bluffcityguy's Avatar
What an interesting read!
I had no idea sites like Ashley Madison and such had those types of things. I wonder if that's why my inbox is always full when I make a profile on those sites.. lol.
Nice to know! Originally Posted by Alluring_Amber
The typical M:F ratio on a dating site is basically "A metric fuckton of men : fewer than 100 women" (I'm rounding, obviously ). Therefore they don't have to make false male profiles to keep women around and interested; ladies are going to get plenty of interest from real men on the site (if anything, the complaint I've heard from some women is that they get too much attention and have to work too hard to cull out the few guys they might like to get to know from all the losers and scammers).

What women have to worry about most are the romance scammers, who "catfish" them in order to bilk them out of money or to commit some other sort of fraud against them. (See ). Men are also targeted by "female" romance scammers (I got very good at detecting them in my time on dating sites), but I don't think quite as much as women do.

