It is so hot outside!!!!
I left some lipstick outside to see what would happen (saw this done on the news}. I had to see for myself and it did exactly that.. Melted into liquid..
So do guys carry around baby power so your balls don't chafe????
This is the day we need those hats that you ccan drink
Stay hydrated and be safe friends this sun is no respecter of persons!!!!!
Love you all
  • kman
  • 08-01-2016, 04:08 PM
Yes baby powder or monkeybutt powder does wonders in the fight against red ass haha
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I know right! I'm so ready for some cooler weather.
August in these parts ,is always hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire!
Vannah's Avatar
August in these parts ,is always hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire! Originally Posted by peter north77
I've never heard that one before! I'll have to add that to my list along with "hotter than Satan's pecker" and "hotter than a witch's tit in a cast iron bra."
Hotter than two mice fucking in a wool sock.