calling it quits

After going back and forth for about a year about the hobby, ive decided to call it quits. Thank you all for the hilarious comments, the drama, rough humping, and the fun times. Ive been in the hobby since i was 20 and im 30 now. In my time, ive seen many ladies but the ones that really left an impression where baby dallass, nova, issabella monroe, and of course my bully friend ginger doll. Baby Dallass ill never forget youre beautiful smile and of course that ass. NOVA and Issabella, youre about as real as they get. I truely truely truely enjoyed my time with both of you and thank your for sharing some of your life with me. And as for my bully friend....thanks for all the laughs and the late night texts. Everyone may think negative of you, but you are a special person with a good heart outside the hobby. Thanks for being apart of my life D.B. Good night everyone.
Zenovia's Avatar
I'd rather you stay and give us ladies another 10more years!
Well, you have my number if ever you wanna escape reality
Much luv, light, and happiness in your journey mi guapo Jefe