So, what should I say?

Raquel de Milo's Avatar
So I received a message on Twitter...

What do you guys and ladies think is the right way to answer such a question?

Is he insinuating that an intelligent person would not be a professional sex worker? Are sex workers viewed as less than intelligent?

I disagree with that assumption, the successful independent sex workers I've met are highly intelligent.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Raquel he is full of shit. You, and many providers I know a very intelligent. Dont waste your time with these kind of putdown lowlifes. The only way they feel good about themselves are puting women down.

You're beautiful smart and sexy. Fuck them.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 12-27-2015, 06:21 PM
"Sex working" is still illegal and widely frowned upon unfortunately .... I'm not on Twitter so forgive my ignorance, is your account not private? It is the opinion of my tiny brain, that posting face pics can make you a victim more than it can help you.

You have a bunch of perves with possible mental issues knowing your personal profession and can cowardly post things to harm you on that damn social media or even approach you in public while you are with friends and family.....I say defense is the best offensive, and you owe it to yourself to protect your self.
Oh hell where to start? We are incredibly shallow creatures who have the inability to see past our own damn noses at times. Maybe you should start with the fact that you, and others you know do pretty well with the sex work thing. If we neanderthals understand anything, it's money. You should probably then point out the fact that you don't yield to societal norms and are open and free with your sexuality. You can probably close with something to the effect that an intelligent person has the ability to see an opportunity and capitalize on it. Then point out that it's only logical to do something you love for a living rather than doing something you hate (like making incredibly wealthy organizations more rich). But yeah, there are a lot of old time minds out there who have the inability to understand that times, things, people, and even industries are ever evolving and ever changing. That's all I have, I am going to go cry now because I have to do something that sucks tomorrow but hell, at least the pay is decent, lol! Hell, if I thought I could make $$$ for using my man parts, or if I were a hot chick, I would do the same thing! Unfortunately my best qualities are internal lol!
mtabsw's Avatar
Ignore him. Don't feed the trolls
Torito's Avatar
Ignore him. Don't feed the trolls Originally Posted by mtabsw
Answering will encourage him.

TheEccie214's Avatar
However odd his style, I think he's trying to compliment you and imply you're better than other escorts...that's his "game" if you will.
However odd his style, I think he's trying to compliment you and imply you're better than other escorts...that's his "game" if you will. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
You make a good point, this may also be the case.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-27-2015, 06:55 PM
However odd his style, I think he's trying to compliment you and imply you're better than other escorts...that's his "game" if you will. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
I see the "game" also lol
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 12-27-2015, 06:57 PM
Does he realize she is a provider is my question? His question seemed genuine and not intended to insult her.
ManSlut's Avatar
And let the Pussy Whipped, Ass Kissing begin!

Wow, the quality of responses so far, the way some Dudes read so much into a 31 word Twitter statement to make themselves Hooker Board Heroes & Gods - Full of shit, lowlifes, perves, mental issues, trolls, etc...LMAO

First off, he complimented her in 5 different ways.

Secondly, his question was not demeaning, to me, and was sandwiched between compliments.

I do not Twitter Raquel, never will, so I do not know how your account is listed or how revealing it is, but let's face it, the majority of society frowns upon what you do for a living and what I do for fun...Hell, even sometimes I frown upon myself for what I do for fun when I spend time with a beautiful, intelligent lady who clearly is ashamed she is Hooking and believe me there are those out there and they are the ones who don't stick around long.

Can you blame them? How many Dudes can say their close personal friends and family know they pay to see Hookers? How many Hookers can say their children, mothers and fathers know they are Hookers?...We are in the minority socially and ethically here, it's no big deal!

The Dude posed respectfully worded comments and a question and he deserves the same. How he responds to that may facilitate a change of opinion on his logic and motivation, but from what he wrote there, not to me at this time.

If I were you a simple respectful reply would be, "Oh my, what woman doesn't love to be flattered!...Per your question, I started and continue doing my line of work for XY&Z reasons and I know some people look down upon me for that and that is their freewill but my freewill loves what it does and I hurt absolutely no one doing it!!!"
So I received a message on Twitter...

What do you guys and ladies think is the right way to answer such a question?

Is he insinuating that an intelligent person would not be a professional sex worker? Are sex workers viewed as less than intelligent?

I disagree with that assumption, the successful independent sex workers I've met are highly intelligent. Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
He apparently likes your pics. Either don't acknowledge him or just simply state that you "post those pics" because you think you're beautiful and want to share it with the world?
I just looked at your pics and unless you deleted some I don't see anything wrong. Maybe what 8701 said, that he thinks you're a civvie. In that case I can see it. If he knows you're a provider then he's just baiting you.

Nice pics btw
pyramider's Avatar
Is Raquel posting taint photos online? Just ignore the twats on twitter.