Just was thinking..

So, i am writing this post just because i had a thought. Do not in anyway think that i hold anything against anyone i was just having a few thoughts and thought i could get a few opinions, and have a good thread.
i myself love the hobby being that this is the only human contact i have because i do not date. So i take full advantage of a date and enjoy being completely enthralled in my partner and his satisfaction as well as my own. I cannot fake my passion being that once it is awakened it cannot be stopped. I cant help enjoying the touch, kiss,convo, its like eating your favorite food or dessert. Makes me all Moist and hot. Everyone's needs, wants are different and each person is unique and special. So with that being said i just wonder why a guy would feel the need to say things that one may not truly feel. Why tell a lady that you want to see her again, if you don't intend to or " i want to be a "regular". Why say anything at all? I understand one may feel like "i just dont want to hurt her feelings". I prefer honesty. It would be helpful for me to know what i am doing wrong or what you didn't like instead of being led to believe that one was fully satisfied. I understand that not all may appreciate that feedback or care for it. I just like to be the best i can be in all i do in life, may that be at my real world job, hobbying or just in general. I understand that i am not the prettiest or have the best body. But i say that i am genuine. And i treat people like i would like to be treated. I value ones privacy and try to accommodate ones needs as best to my ability. But as i said before this was just thoughts being that someone asked me a few questions about hobbying.
Maybe the hobbist intends to come back,but just hasn't got around to it yet.he is busy and see's several providers,but likes you.or he just likes to talk shit.I'm sure its nothing you did wrong.
TechOne's Avatar
I like the way you think...almost as much as the taste of your perfect...
I wasn't implying towards anyone Peter. I am very aware of the busy schedule as I myself am busy too. I was just inquiring. Thought it was an interesting topic. I just used myself as a base. You are very kind
TechOne's Avatar
If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he jumps...If I had unlimited time and funds, I would be spending it in the arms of Isabella.
My mom told me long ago never to believe anything a man says when he has an erection. Or when he doesn't.

I wouldn't worry about a guy who didn't follow through… Just focus on the ones who do. You certainly don't seem to have any shortage of fans.
  • kman
  • 01-18-2016, 09:34 AM
Its a rather unpleasant fact of life that alot of folks talk shit on both sides of the gender card. Regardless if its work, life, or other wise just remember the ones who actually follow through on their word those folks are the real deal. The work schedule thing is something to be handled by not offering to see ya 3 weeks away then not being able to thats why I dont get to hobby much my line of work doesn't allow me to plan on dates much in advance and when i try it goes to crap.
diveguy6's Avatar
A lot of shit is talked in the heat of passion. Don't think I'd look any farther past that.
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
I to like the way you think! And I am sorry for your bad experience.
Well I may be reading this wrong but I don't get that she has had bad experiences as much as wondering why someone says they will be back but don't and I am sure this happens a lot to all ladies in this business and I would not take it personal as lots of things come into play, mainly life, I am sure I am guilty if this and could even be the guilty party in this thread as job, family ( not married, but lots of family responsibilities), money, another provider needing attention, or just lack of hobbying, but as ginger stated, you have lots of admirers and I don't think it's anything you are doing, and I agree with your passion, kissing and convo, all good
When i say ill be back,i will,no telling when tho....
When I say I'll be back, I'll be back. When a lady and I click, I have a strong history of repeat visits.
jacksonsquare's Avatar
To me it sounds like you just want straight honest feedback which ultimately leads to a better experience from all sides. I think a lot of guys are probably pretty nervous about starting in the hobby for a variety of reasons so they may come off a little on the odd side. Or they find it easier to be dishonest in order to protect themselves
Like the other guys, every lady I've said I will see again, I mean it...

The issue is when. I have other people to see, and unfortunately do not have unlimited time and hobby dollars. So it may be some months...but I intend to return. If you expect the guy to see you again within a week or 2 you'll probably be disappointed more often than not.
i haven't had bad experiences i just thought it was an interesting topic. I can't say that i hadn't had a guy or two say that to me it doesn't bother me.