Sons of Anarchy, A Question

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Since I started watching television a couple of years ago after a long absence, I'm completely involved with a couple of shows.

Sons of Anarchy is one of them. I got home from Chicago last night and watched the last two episodes and they were both great but actually, very disturbing.

If anyone is also watching SOA, what are your thoughts on the direction the show is heading?

(Nothing better than thinking of sweaty men wearing anything leather!)

Muffrider's Avatar
I love SOA, and I have to agree with you. One of the things that I loved about the show was the loyalty and "code" that the club lived by. That all seems to be deteriorating.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I completely agree. Not to have a spoiler here or anything, but the murder of you know who last night was completely horrible. The character who did this is completely becoming one that is losing my respect.

Oh ... and I've also noticed that I might have put this topic in the wrong place. Mods, if this needs to be moved to the sandbox, that's alright.

One thing that might be related to this thing that we do, at least the bikers don't seem to have a huge problem with prostitution and porn!!!

Is that just one of those speculative thoughts with no basis for truth?

Thanks for your thoughts!!! I believe that fallout is all based on their new involvements with other groups that goes against what they original said that they would never do.

That is the downfall.

anaximander's Avatar
SOA is reflecting whats actually going on
at the core of such groups as The Outlaws, Mongols,
Hells Angels, Warlocks, Banditos, etc..
FX was catching some flak for 'glamourizing'
the 1% crowd. Loyalty and brotherhood
is nonexistent at street command level.

Yes the bikers have no problem with porn
or prostitution. They pimp their women out
at various ranks for various reasons- no problem
Muscle a percentage of porn made in their
territory or using their girls- no problem

You do know where methamphetimine
got it's nickname "crank"- yes~ no

Asides, it's a well written show. Good storyline.
SOA and Justified are some of the best shows right now.
It's Sam Peckinpah territory (see "The Wild Bunch"). It's fascinating to see a story that deals with characters that have their own moral code but said code is light years away from mainstream morality. Intrigues and disturbs the hell out of us. Love to keep up with SAMCRO..
I've never seen this show, but it sounds like the main feature is the 1%er Bike Gang. The 1%er mentality is not to conform to society. So they are often Gun Runners, Drug Dealers and of course they engage in prostitution and Porn. They also have been implicated in the production of "Snuff Movies" . They give Motorcycle enthusiasts a bad reputation.
anaximander's Avatar
C'mon man snuff-porn is make believe.
Not counting the SAW garbage.
Snuff was cooked up by the DoJ for pr
purposes to get the public riled up
against porno in general.
And to give them additional license
to harass and monitor regular porno mills.
breastfan's Avatar
I've been watching SOA since day one and have been hooked ever since. I just hope this or next season isn't the last (my opinion). How the club is imploding it would be the way too set this in motion. i'm on the edge of my seat to see how this plays out.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It does seem that some of the really intense shows are becoming somewhat short lived. The downward spiral of Glee comes to mind. I have never seen the show and am away of it and read that this season, it's just dying.

"Breaking Bad" is another show that is just super intriguing. The plot line is riveting. But there are only a few episodes per season and this final episode from this last season what just ... well, it really dropped a bomb.

So I don't know if these type of shows can really keep carrying such intensified weight to keep their audiences happy.

SOA is just good all over. The casting is terrific. Guess that the breakdown would be normal in this type of show but right now, it's tough to keep watching it. And I cannot stop!!!


Thanks for much for these responses! I appreciate it. And I always wondered about the validity of snuff films. I would think that it's possible. There is such sexual extremity in this world from my perspective. But I would like nothing better than it to NOT be true!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although I dislike using wikipedia as resource for information, I did look up snuff films and they said that it's the stuff of urban legends.

Guess that we'll all have to make up our minds about that one.

Don't you just LOVE a thread drift???

anaximander's Avatar
A few years back on another forum we
had this discussion on snuff as well as
other members looking for it.

As near as we got was some brazillian mill
selling 'snuff' video. All dozen or so films
had the same two actresses. Slasher porn
is what it is- make up& sfx
C'mon man snuff-porn is make believe.
Not counting the SAW garbage.
Snuff was cooked up by the DoJ for pr
purposes to get the public riled up
against porno in general.
And to give them additional license
to harass and monitor regular porno mills. Originally Posted by anaximander
Can't be to much make believe I've seen one.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Can't be to much make believe I've seen one. Originally Posted by acp5762
Oh wow.
anaximander's Avatar
Yeah sure you did.
Trust me the same actress is in the sequels.
Practically ALL the purported snuff crap was
eventually traced back to the brazillian mills.
There was another one from Manilla-
but they were so cheesy they were laughable.
Yeah sure you did.
Trust me the same actress is in the sequels.
Practically ALL the purported snuff crap was
eventually traced back to the brazillian mills.
There was another one from Manilla-
but they were so cheesy they were laughable. Originally Posted by anaximander
I am sure there are some that are fake. But that doesn't mean an authentic one couldn't exist.