Budgetary Issues

  • MrGiz
  • 08-15-2010, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Derf:
Sorry to have derailed the subject. Chan is a perceptive man who understands budgetary issues. I will look into Dani and Miss Dreams. Thanks for the help I'm a newby.
We all understand budgetary issues.... but this hobby is governed by the same supply & demand constraints as any other service oriented enterprise. To complain about the lack of providers @ a certain price level is futile! We simply need to make the best of what we have. I, for one, think we have a fairly nice menu in Arkansas, from which to choose from.... especially when you consider the population demographics of the area!!

As with any other enterprise.... cost is, most often , a relative indication of quality to be expected. If you don't believe that.... simply read the reviews right here in these forums! I have read some pretty dismal accounts of $$ spent, lately. If that is truly what one is chasing.... I guess that's fine and good..... but I would think that some of these same reviewers might want to consider saving up their hard earned money for just a tad longer, and enjoy some of the well documented, proven high-quality girls we have available to us..... even if it does require some painful, initial screening! In today's environment.... we can't blame the high-quality girls for having stringent screening methods!! It makes it tough on newbies.... but that's just the way it is!!

Good Luck , Derf.... we have a fine little Hobby Community here in Arkansas. The sooner you "sign-up"..... the sooner you'll enjoy fun like you never have, before!!

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I'm buying a lottery ticket for wednesday...
. . . As with any other enterprise.... cost is, most often , a relative indication of quality to be expected. If you don't believe that.... simply read the reviews right here in these forums! I have read some pretty dismal accounts of $$ spent, lately. If that is truly what one is chasing.... I guess that's fine and good..... but I would think that some of these same reviewers might want to consider saving up their hard earned money for just a tad longer, and enjoy some of the well documented, proven high-quality girls we have available to us..... even if it does require some painful, initial screening! In today's environment.... we can't blame the high-quality girls for having stringent screening methods!! It makes it tough on newbies.... but that's just the way it is!! . . . . Originally Posted by MrGiz
Giz is going back to Economics 101 and that's true. Occasionally, you'll find a bargain, but you may spend a lot of $$ finding the one bargain. All of this gets back to becoming a well informed buyer. Do your research.

In this economy, I'm looking to save $$ just like the next guy. But over the past year, there seems to have been more "little head" activity looking for something new and cheap. Do your research, read reviews, use back channel pm's to gain info about the market, rather than just trolling. When there's an opportunity to see or attract a quality traveling provider to the market, make a little effort gettting them to stop here.

The community has brought some unwanted attention to us by seeking a bargain from those not following some basic screening principals.
Been a few weeks since I read it, but book Superfreakonomics, sequel to Freakonomics has entire section on economics of Hobbying. High end escort "rent a trophy wife" in Chicago area found simply RAISING price from $$$ to $$$$ or $$$$$ did not lower demand, but interestingly lowered sexual dynamics with hobbyist (more dinner and companionship).
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  • derf
  • 08-16-2010, 10:30 AM
My budgetary constraints go hand in hand with my wants. I generally am just seeking a rather quick BBBJ and therefore it's not worth a large amount. However my anonymity is priceless so I have to get over a certain price range for safety sake. Classic catch 22. I just need to heed the above advice on research which so far I've done rather well at but I've only played 4-5 times and out of those only 2 were alleged verified. However one got busted just a couple of weeks after my visit so I still have much to learn. I've been googling phone numbers for cross ref. and that has been very enlightening. Especially when you find a young girls myspace page! Dodged that bullet! I'm not going to allow the little head to get me in trouble, that's what my hand is for! Thanks for the advice guys!
I don't know who you are seeing in NWA, but there are some good girls up here...myself and Miss Randi included that are well worth your dime and time. If you take a look at my website, you will notice that I have weekend rate that might work for you. Just throwing that out there...good luck!
Nice set up Ms. Harley... I like that!

To imply a provider charging 200 an hour has to be below average is ludicrous. My reviews (p411 link) speak for themselves even though almost everyone books my 2 hour special. I kinda feel like there are some nice guys out there who deserve to see us and then they tip if they can and want to... some do, some don't, some occasionally do, with some I enjoy dinner- otc, some take the money they earn in discounts (military, blood donar, pre- book...) and make us a nice rendezvous. There are more activities involved in my 2 hour dates but seeing me about 3 hours collectively covers my menu and extra talents quite comfortably; and is a decent living to me. Of course, I don't have crazy habits or others to support.

I'd rather have a small repeat clientel then chase $$$$$ by taking risks cause guys who look to pay more also play around more; and want to provide less screening. Like 90210 kids in the candy store... more often than not... IMHE. And then they want to push your limits like trying to go bareback or date you... or whatever. This is true of the cheap skates too, wigglin for freebies. My favorite... the guy that spends my 2 hour rate and we do something to get to know each other too. Movies is more of a 'down the road" date so we're comfortable making out... teeheehee!

I could change my rates based on my reviews alone but I attract some very classy gentlemen and we become a lil more than acquaintances on an irregular yet regular basis. And, the guys that do see me over and over for an hour always (eventually) bring me a keepsake or gift. AND that melts me. So I am pretty happy and it shows in my reviews...

I prefer my kisses warm and sexy in a relaxed kinda way... and I know a lot of well reviewed providers who agree with me and have good rates. Just look at Tia of Austin, Pammie from Ohio or Christy Cupps of New Orleans. I mostly know national girls. Atlanta girls charge 150, on average. I won't go there and that's why; but they have some hot girls. New York girls charge 600... I've been invited several times, as well as Dallas, Boston, DC and Vegas. Too populated for me. I like to relax!

My point is... you can't sum a girl up at cost anymore than you can sum a guy up at worth. And I've seen plenty of guys complain about higher cost girls. They often charge more cause they want more... and more... and more... a professional girl with sensible rates is a professional sensible girl. That's how I see it anyway... babble babble

However, I don't negotiate services. My rate is for my time, not any activities that may or may not take place. I don't even want to deal with 'street walker' mentalities. I'm not that girl. I'm sophistication, class and pleasure. I do well with charming sensible guys.
. . . .My point is... you can't sum a girl up at cost anymore than you can sum a guy up at worth. And I've seen plenty of guys complain about higher cost girls. They often charge more cause they want more... and more... and more... a professional girl with sensible rates is a professional sensible girl. That's how I see it anyway... babble babble

However, I don't negotiate services. My rate is for my time, not any activities that may or may not take place. I don't even want to deal with 'street walker' mentalities. I'm not that girl. I'm sophistication, class and pleasure. I do well with charming sensible guys. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Lacey, that's one of the most coherent explanations of my viewpoint of the hobby. Becoming comfortable with repeat clientel works both ways. Obviously, there are some in the hobby that prefer hit and run and with that usually comes the Alert Notices and ISO "the flavor of the month" on the board and the unwanted attention of LE.

Hopefully, your lesson in economics -- lowest cost isn't always least expensive -- will be well taken. That, along with research on the part of the hobbyiest and screening on the part of the provider, make for a very comfortable business relationship. Occasionally, many become good friends along the way.

Now, if I could only develop a client base to create an excuse to travel to Columbus on a regular basis . . . .
Why Thank you kind Sir... *giggles*. I'll be coming to this area on a somewhat regular basis. I'm actually from here and it's time to start spending some more time with my family. My favorite uncle passed last month and I hadn't seen him in way too long. There is one town I will not play in- for obvious reasons. I mean, I was in town for less than an hour and ran into several people I hadn't seen since high school. The Chief of police was my prom date... Thing is, they recognized me way better than I recognized them. I guess, my life has been a lot bizzier than most people. Man, does time fly! It is nice to hear that I haven't changed that much Needless to say, my screening will be top notch cause now I even need to know we are not cousins... rof... how cliche is that???
You absolutely said that very eloquently!! We should not be based on our donation rates. I had to adjust due to supply, demand, and the economy...but did NOT adjust the level of attention paid to each of my friends. I am mostly just seeing my regs and I am totally cool with that because we are comfortable and familiar with each other. I still see new guys on occasion, after careful screening, of course, but my main "bread & butter" are from repeat biz...which is why I don't have many new reviews. I'm ok with that because my reputation and previous reviews should speak volumes!!
Without question best course of action is finding lady compatible with personality and pocketbook. Have never questioned right of lady to charge what market will bear. Own perception of value lies in how much value can be extracted from transaction. Have not been able to dance horizontal tango for two hours in many years, thus 500$ for minute waltz and 90 minutes of pillow talk is losing proposition. Gladly admit to seeking bargain and feel no shame. Likewise acknowledge patron receive what is paid for, and more expensive lady offer wider range of service, and perhaps more personal involvement. Latest experiences have left penurious pensioner with nostalgic desire for simple menu consumed in quiet. With funds left over for another meal at another restaurant.
*giggles*... Mr. Chan, it's 300 not 500 and not many can dance the horizontal tango for 2 hours; but it does allow time to relax, watch, foreplay and multi pops. I, personally, have a list of fun stuff to fill our time- for example. I do a squirting toy show. It is also rare for 90 minutes of pillow talk, but occasionally THAT is the request. That's where reading reviews come in handy. What you speak of is what we call 3G... get in, get off, get out... I know several girls who think that way... but everyone of them charge more than me. They generally have expensive habits and big egos and would never ever ever be friends. They won't even kiss you or look at your face, much less make eye contact. I see that you are new. Let me just say that there is a HUGE difference between a street walker, a GFE and a PSE. Most on this site is GFE and some are PSE. So if you are just here to be safe... I can tell you how to stay outta jail with the street walkers. There too, you have to do your homework but I will put up a thread to help you and any one else who needs to know. There's nothing wrong with you guys who want those quickie relations wanting to stay safe too. Now go look at my new thread on SW safety... but also know, this is second hand from someone I would never touch or learned in school as you will NEVER see a girl from here out there! THAT, I promise you.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Lacey_Companion, Thanks for livening up our discussions with your well written posts. Sounds like you could quickly become a sensation in AR. Like many others, I also have budgetary constraints, and have been unable to schedule with many attractive women. The classic problem of "Too many ladies; not enough money!". Since I only get to date a few times each year, I want to be certain the quality is there b4 I lay down my hard earned cash. Have only had one 2 hr date and that was years ago, but am wondering now if a multiple hour date could be in my future again!!
Why Thank you kind Sir... *giggles*. I'll be coming to this area on a somewhat regular basis. I'm actually from here and it's time to start spending some more time with my family. My favorite uncle passed last month and I hadn't seen him in way too long. There is one town I will not play in- for obvious reasons. I mean, I was in town for less than an hour and ran into several people I hadn't seen since high school. The Chief of police was my prom date... Thing is, they recognized me way better than I recognized them. I guess, my life has been a lot bizzier than most people. Man, does time fly! It is nice to hear that I haven't changed that much Needless to say, my screening will be top notch cause now I even need to know we are not cousins... rof... how cliche is that??? Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
Lacey, if you attend your family reunions on a regular basis, I can tell you there isn't an ass that cute in my family. Most of my cousins come fully equipped with those back up beepers found on large trucks.

For screening purposes, does that mean I have to provide 3 references AND my family tree?

On the otherhand, I believe we can make sure no one recognizes you if we spend enough time in the bedroom . . .
I do not know Ms.Lacey. Likewise am not known to her. However, even as stranger would not be inclined to associate name with streetwalker including all attendant negative connotations. But free to insult as motives direct.
Any statements made concerning economics in hobby only meant to encourage ladies who offer budget option to continue to do so as market exists.
Certainly understand why ladies wish for highest fee possible. Respect same. All have same option to sell or buy as resources permit. Why some gentlemen lobby for higher price can only be puzzlement.

*giggles*... Mr. Chan, it's 300 not 500 and not many can dance the horizontal tango for 2 hours; but it does allow time to relax, watch, foreplay and multi pops. I, personally, have a list of fun stuff to fill our time- for example. I do a squirting toy show. It is also rare for 90 minutes of pillow talk, but occasionally THAT is the request. That's where reading reviews come in handy. What you speak of is what we call 3G... get in, get off, get out... I know several girls who think that way... but everyone of them charge more than me. They generally have expensive habits and big egos and would never ever ever be friends. They won't even kiss you or look at your face, much less make eye contact. I see that you are new. Let me just say that there is a HUGE difference between a street walker, a GFE and a PSE. Most on this site is GFE and some are PSE. So if you are just here to be safe... I can tell you how to stay outta jail with the street walkers. There too, you have to do your homework but I will put up a thread to help you and any one else who needs to know. There's nothing wrong with you guys who want those quickie relations wanting to stay safe too. Now go look at my new thread on SW safety... but also know, this is second hand from someone I would never touch or learned in school as you will NEVER see a girl from here out there! THAT, I promise you. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion