busy time/slow time...

scooter's Avatar
Ladies are there any typical days in your business...are mornings slower than evenings or are friday nights slower than wednesday nights....rainy days vs sunny days...etc....New here and was just curious...
Scooter I will be interested to see what is said myself..after many years in this business.. i am baffled at the theory of "slow time" of day.. considering many girls are suppose to be "low volume" and claim to only see.. 1, 2 maybe 3 clients a day..IF THAT.. considering there is 24hrs in a day.. and given that you could claim that there is actually only 12hrs really spent "working" or "available".. given the volume.. can there really be a way to tell if a girl is "slow" during a certain time of day..

just saying.. i mean.. if i schedule a guy at 10am, 4pm and 8 pm.. is mornings slow? or just how it worked out? lmao..

i think one can only see a pattern if they aren't truly seeing that few of guys..but will be interested to see how it get answered
TechOne's Avatar
I dream of Tori A. every morning at 6 am, my mind wanders onto Alexis S. around noon, Paula S. slips into my thoughts around 5 pm, and I finish up the day in the arms TexasAnn...does this count? Yea, I guess that is not what you were asking...but in my mind I keep them all busy, every day! I just wish my body was able to cash the checks my mind has been writing....just one, even...
its not your body that you have to worry about cashing the checks of your mind..but rather your pocket book cashing those checks.. 4 girls.. daily on your mind... geez.. you need a sugarmomma
TechOne's Avatar
its not your body that you have to worry about cashing the checks of your mind..but rather your pocket book cashing those checks.. 4 girls.. daily on your mind... geez.. you need a sugarmomma Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I know what I need, just can't decide who, when, where and how....work too much to find the time, sooo many pretty ladies to torture, don't like gettin' a room with popo pressuring hotel managers to report all local check-ins, and find it difficult to find an incall nearby...oh, yeah, the pocket book is bulging, more so than the briefs..uuuugh.
scooter's Avatar
so Deanna I guess my question should really be do guys request a certain day or time of day more often than other times....my schedule is as flexible as we guys want our girls ...so just curious...
speaking of volume...if guys more the providers would there be any that wanted to be low volume..not...lol
Just observation, but have noticed if lady run "special" is usually in early part of day before 1PM. Conclusion might possibly be because that time most often free, and less in demand than later in day.

Ladies are there any typical days in your business...are mornings slower than evenings or are friday nights slower than wednesday nights....rainy days vs sunny days...etc....New here and was just curious... Originally Posted by scooter
TechOne's Avatar
I too have noticed that and have often made 9am appointments, there is nothing like morning wood to start the day off with a bang! Ain't that right, Tori!

I'll even bring breakfast!
For me, weekends have always been slow. I think it also depends on the type of gentlemen a provider attracts. Girls who like to drink and party get weekend dates and girls who don't or reserve that personality for their personal life get weekday dates. I prefer weekday afternoon or early evening dates and book those most often. Only a well seasoned hobbyist can book a late night date with me and since I prefer to get a new place with each date, check in time makes early morning difficult. Then again, I am low volume and prefer 1-2 dates a day. I will jump through hoops for a hobbyist if we had a really good time all ready and both wish to meet again. I am lucky enough that this almost always is the case.
SirLance Alot's Avatar
I would surmize most hobbyists have SO that demands attention in the evenings/ weekends... So my guess would be busier in the daytime with impulses in the evening/ weekend. I recognize there are still single hobbyists and for them will be the later, but just speaking in general. I have (in)SO and still get out at night for my few meetings I have had.
Interesting discussions. Some new info that I had never thought about before... like the "popos"

one or two dates a day is low volume? I don't see that many in Nashville in a week when I'm not touring....
