Boom boom or woods cab?

Last trip to McAllen I visited Tex mex. It wasn’t good (very few dancers and only two I found attractive). Also, they were only playing small parts of songs so dances were way too short if you wanted dances.

Back this week, wondering which of these two clubs would be the best bet mid week early evening? Boom boom gets a lot of review traffic and looks decent from that. Woods gets recommended a few times here but there aren’t many reviews. Can someone tell me how they compare?
you can probably get some action at boom for $$ or less but not the prettiest of girls unless you get lucky
I feel boom boom has the less traffic but a tons of review from us … woods I’ve gone and there’s decent amount of girls but I’m like 99% sure you won’t get any extra … I got a girl snaps maybe 3-4 months ago we were talking and of course she was down … but she told me they zero policy