What did you get / give for Valentine’s Day?

What did everyone get for Valentines Day?

( Ladies feel free to post pics in all the sexy lingerie I’m sure ya’ll got today. )

Also, what did you give for gifts to others?

GingerKatt's Avatar
HiA heart shaped box of chocolates! Also a large box of cat litter. And a huge bag of Premium cat food. Also, I had an AMAZING SESSION with a client I really like. I had my "needs" met several times. It was the perfect way to end the Day!...I loved them all!
But I loved the bedroom play the best. That's just the kind of horny ho I am!
I gave my favorite non SO lady a very nice new Lelo toy for Vday. She went wild. Of course it came with a box of chocolates and very nice bottle of red wine.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I got to fuck a hottie Valentine's evening. I gave her cash and she gave me a very passionate experience.

DallasRain's Avatar
I got from hubby

Flowers and card
Grilled ribs n potatoe salad meal
Awesome sex

And the night before he had his biker buddy cum over and fuck me while fluffed
shortblkguy's Avatar
Bought myself a new Solid State disk (SSD) for my true love, my computer
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
moved to correct forum
I got a 12 hour work day. I think I got ripped off!
Going to spend the weekend at Spa Castle with a special lady. Any advice is welcome. Got the quite so I'm hoping to leave a mess.