
Okay so clear something up for a bubba in the sticks. When a person looks like a woman and says they are trans, does that mean they are a chick trying to surgically add a dick or a dude that had their dick cut off? Not being hateful to any specific group (honestly I hate everyone pretty equally) just need to know what I am avoiding.
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For the most part it's a chick with a dick. Not all are surgically transformed but I dont know first hand. But if they are as Dave Chapelle says that is beet juice.
DNA don’t lie. Biologically it’s a guy acting and dressing like a woman. Until they can re-engineering their DNA they’ll always be the gender they were born as.
  • AgFox
  • 08-26-2023, 10:54 AM
Most don't actually cut their dick off.
DNA don’t lie. Biologically it’s a guy acting and dressing like a woman. Until they can re-engineering their DNA they’ll always be the gender they were born as. Originally Posted by ridemyrazorback
Of course I agree, but so long as they don’t demand I conform to their views they can dress up like Hillary and go on a suicide spree for all I care. Do whatever you want just keep the bullshit away from me lol
Trans man - woman who thinks she's a man. AKA FtM (female to male)

Trans woman - man who thinks he's a woman. AKA MtF (male to female)

Per your description, a person pantomiming as a woman who says he's Trans is usually a dude who thinks he's a woman. By general rule, a person claiming to be Trans will play up the stereotypes of the gender they are attempting to assume.
Lol I didn’t get more than half of that bro
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