The shit is really starting to hit the fan for Senile Biden

berryberry's Avatar
One of his DNC media protectors now, CBS, with another story exposing the Biden Crime Family bribes

That is two stories from the DNC mouthpieces at CBS in the last few days

CBS Evening News

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, a lead investigator in the Hunter Biden case, said he felt the president's son received preferential treatment, and claims he was blocked from pursuing leads that could have led to the president.

... Too Right there, mate. ... Funny how things go these days.

... In olden times in America - "B.C." - (that mean - "before Clinton")
the news media would surely do ALL the INVESTIGATING.
Checking facts and interviewing whistleblowers in a good attempt
to get to the TRUTH of the matter.

And once the Facts and Truth came out - Congress would act on it.

... But in "post-B.C" - things have changed... At least with the
main stream liberal media... They serve to PROTECT Democrats
(look at how they've surely been protecting the Bidens).
So Congress has to do all the investigating and interview
the whistleblowers in search of Facts and Truth.

And once it's found out - THEN the media acts on it. ...

... But at least they are starting to realise that they
cannot protect CORRUPT Joe forever.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
You nailed it Salty. The mainstream media has sold its soul to the DNC and are all just DNC mouthpieces now

The fact that one of the biggest DNC mouthpieces, CBS, has now run two stories exposing the Senile Biden Crime Family tells me the DNC may be done with him as their useful idiot puppet and are getting ready to run him over with the bus
Jacuzzme's Avatar
My guess is whoever actually runs things wants to stick with the dumbest, most compromised guy possible. Clearly, that’s Biden.