Cheap Hoes

This morning I received a call from hobbyists bbj. After finally agreeing to a donation, considering the fact i offered activities for a reasonable price, i sent him my address. Minutes after he tells me he found a girl who offers hr sessions for $100 donations. I explained to him how quality is sometimes better than quantity and he agreed to come here. Ten minutes later when he is supposed to arrive he cancels again. I'm pretty sure he called the cheap hoe. My question is why sell yourself short. Ladies what is the issue. Don't you think your time is worth it. Guys why settle for less. Isn't quality and service worth it. Just saying!!!!
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
That sucks sweetie, you are right, why sell yourself short.
Whispers's Avatar
Why do you assume that Quality is related to pricing? It's not remotely a factor.

How would you feel if the $300 an hour "Hoes" here in Austin ($300 is the price point many try to draw) were to refer to your $200 an hour and call YOU a cheap Hoe?
I've had some of my best sessions at 150 hr . And one of my worst at 300 hr . Also get multi hrs at 200 . So I'm not sure how you equate rate with quality of service .

Canceling on you like that is immature and wrong , sorry that happened .
Sorry that happen to you.
Thanks for all the responses. Whispers you are completely right. Different outlook. Roderrick I'm sorry your session didn't turn out as well. Personally the better you take care of me the more i take care of you. Just me! Maybe not for many but definitely my way
Hey Sweets!

When I talk to providers here about this (t)WERK, consistently I hear how cut throat it is here and how you can never trust anyone. Unfortunately for me, that is not my nature so here is how I would look at it.

A person who will try to steal someone out from under you (cg, lol!) by undercutting your rate is an ASSSHOLE. Thats a bitch move, for real BUT IMO, if someone undercuts your rate by THAT MUCH it doesn't sound like a CHEAP HO to me, it sounds like a desperate ho.

It's almost Christmas, and not everyone can get a very steady income from this werk- that $100 could make a big difference to them. Not to say you don't need it or anything but you look GOOD girl- another opportunity will DEFINITELY come around for you.

I would consider it my good deed for the day, wish her well, and be ready for the good karma to come back to ya.

HO-pe you make some money here though! Enjoy the rest of your visit and remember there's some good ho's around too! Let me know if I can help you with anything while you're here girl.

jimmyBJ's Avatar
Cancelling last minute for anything is unprofessional. I'm sorry that happened to you as well.

But on to the topic of prices. I feel this site is an invaluable tool for assisting the market. If a provider's price is low but service is good then it will be reported on here. That report will attract more customers. More customers and continued good service will allow that provider to slowly raise her rates.

The opposite is true as well. If rates are too high or service is poor then rates will have to come down to increase demand. There is a market for everything in this world.

So I have to agree with Whispers. There is no need to call out prices. The free market will always prevail in the long run.
Hey Sweets!

When I talk to providers here about this (t)WERK, consistently I hear how cut throat it is here and how you can never trust anyone. Unfortunately for me, that is not my nature so here is how I would look at it.

A person who will try to steal someone out from under you (cg, lol!) by undercutting your rate is an ASSSHOLE. Thats a bitch move, for real BUT IMO, if someone undercuts your rate by THAT MUCH it doesn't sound like a CHEAP HO to me, it sounds like a desperate ho.

It's almost Christmas, and not everyone can get a very steady income from this werk- that $100 could make a big difference to them. Not to say you don't need it or anything but you look GOOD girl- another opportunity will DEFINITELY come around for you.

I would consider it my good deed for the day, wish her well, and be ready for the good karma to come back to ya.

HO-pe you make some money here though! Enjoy the rest of your visit and remember there's some good ho's around too! Let me know if I can help you with anything while you're here girl.

LUZ Originally Posted by LuzMarie
Luz , I think you're making an assumption that another provider stole her client . She actually posted ( Minutes after he tells me he found a girl who offers hr sessions for $100 donations. ) no where does she say another provider stole her client .
Whispers's Avatar
Looking through last night's ads there was most definitely a young lady offering $100Hr sessions up until 5AM.

She obviously had a need and adjusted her pricing to try to capture the early morning clientele.

Simply a logical business choice IMO.

Personally the better you take care of me the more i take care of you. Just me! Maybe not for many but definitely my way Originally Posted by SweetsGood
Some participants in another thread need to take note of that statement as it most definitely ties the quality of your performance to pricing. It's always best to have these little things out in the open so that the guy looking for the really great session can ascertain exactly how much he has to pay to get it.

There is something to be said for consistency. We have ladies that regularly deliver above and beyond no matter what rate they are applying.

But sometimes all a guy wants is a bargain and Face Down/Ass Up lets him deal with attitude in exchange for his wallet not being quite as drained as he wants his equipment to be. You have definitely established a reason for your "below market" pricing here.
Dude my bad, you are right! I should not have made that assumption- after re-reading that I totally caught it.

Sorry to the accused where ever you are out there. I was totally wrong and apologize for calling you a desperate ho! Really, my sincerest apologies (and I really mean it!)

My mistake, sorry everyone!!!!

(the shameful ho)
Ok ok. It may have been mean to call her a cheap hoe. I have offered many specials but i can't seem to adjust to the 100for the hr. True my service is great always but there is only a certain amount of activities i feel should be offered for less donations. Times are hard and i understand that. Thanks for the love Luz. I really appreciate it. If you see my ad about friends you will see I'm new here... just really trying to get in the swing of things around here.
"This morning I received a call from hobbyists bbj. After finally agreeing to a donation, considering the fact i offered activities for a reasonable price, i sent him my address. Minutes after he tells me he found a girl who offers hr sessions for $100 donations. IMO, the conversation should have been over at that point. He was obviously not on the same page as you that day or just has a very different mentality, period. You two probably wouldn't have had a good session if it had come to fruition. Sometimes it's just best to let things go. It's not worth your energy. As far as quality and rates and all other dynamics in the hobby go, I think one could do many pyschological studies and still never understand the why's!! Take care of yourself and don't worry about what other ladies do or the decisions hobbyist make and you will always be more successful and sane. I explained to him how quality is sometimes better than quantity and he agreed to come here. Ten minutes later when he is supposed to arrive he cancels again. I'm pretty sure he called the cheap hoe. My question is why sell yourself short. Ladies what is the issue. Don't you think your time is worth it. Guys why settle for less. Isn't quality and service worth it. Just saying!!!!"
Gr8fun's Avatar
Well said Scarlett!!!

In addition, it is nice to be under you!!!
vtxghost's Avatar
Sometimes it is a money decision. If he feels the services offered will be the same, the lower price wins. It happens in business all the time.
And this is a business.

On he flip side, if you book a client at $200 and then got an offer for the same services/time slot for $400 would you cancel the cheaper appointment? Maybe this is how NCNS happens.