Feinstein assault Weapon ban of 2019

  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2019, 09:18 AM
Here we go again… the proposed Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 has just been introduced.
Assault Weapon Ban of 2019

From Senator Feinstein’s Press release:
Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today led a group of senators in introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
This assault weapons ban is very similar to prior bans, however, it goes a bit further in that it also bans certain non-firearm objects and it is not clear whether those objects will be grandfathered.

Fortunately - will not fly in the Senate - would likely pass the House.

No more Nonsense from the Left that gun banning and confiscation is not on the DPST agenda.

Take some time and read the article - it is reasonable, mostly except they seem to tolerate bump-stocks, which I am glad Trump banned.

AR-15's are not a military assault weapon. Banning new manufacture and sale of these will not affect the millions in the country already. Nor will it change the behavior of idiots and mentally ill egged on by MSM lavish reports/coverage of shooting incidents. It is a completely ineffective answer to the underlying problem of keeping weapons from the irresponsible, and dangerously mentally ill.

I am a collector and own NFA Act of 1986 weapons legally held and transferred. Never been a crime with a legal true FA assault weapon in the US. I am a responsible owner and law-abiding.
Middle America is not Kalifornia nor Socialist State of NY. From Charlton Heston -"From my cold, dead hands!"

Media -pandering Feinstein and DPST's - Screw You! You want a piece of me- come on down!
It's absolutely ridiculous. I am a firearm dealer, and when shipping to other States it will blow your mind some of the rules and restrictions they have. Most people don't realize that when purchasing suppressors and MG's the background check is very extensive and takes about 8-10 months currently. I would have a hard time imagining even the house passing a bill like this. Too many democrats are in States where it would be an end to their career.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah the Dim-tards liberals are at it again.
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2019, 10:57 AM
Thank You - Fred405.
I understand exactly the issues facing FFLs and NFA Class 3 weapon transfer.

This bill does not address those weapons. It attacks legal semi-automatic firearms ( as listed) and exempts other firearms with exactly the same semi-automatic function.

DPST's are not stupid - they the Australian gun ban model to follow.

It is not about controlling these incidents of mentally ill mass shootings - it is about disarming the population in general so the DPST can institute One Party rule with the leaders as Nomenklatura.

Dems are increasingly radical leftist Marxist Totalitarians.
Their little AOC poster girl is flapping her yap exposing her true Socialist totalitarian bent - and the DPST's are pissed at her for divulging their true plans.
themystic's Avatar
If you cant figure out how to get a gun in America, well lets just say that you shouldn't have one. There are more guns then there are people. Why don't white people start making more babies instead of guns? You may be worried about them taking your guns-(fear) but Im not-(faith). This has been right wing propaganda for decades that right wingers rally behind every time. Its so paradoxical You rally to have guns to kill people and then freak out about killing future babies-(abortion). Make up your fucking minds
LexusLover's Avatar
".....the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines."
... they can be annoying .... probably make FinkleStein's makeup run.

LexusLover's Avatar
This has been right wing propaganda for decades that right wingers rally behind every time. Originally Posted by themystic
FinkleStein is a Liberal. At least she has been for years.
LexusLover's Avatar
FinkleStein is a Liberal. At least she has been for years. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually, I forgot to add that when she was running for mayor of San Francisco she made a deal with the "gay community" to leave the torture chambers alone if she were elected. It sort of made sense later on when she support "enhanced interrogation" techniques, and I guess she just lost her appetite for slicing up folks and sewing them back up after the "fun part" was over.

"military style" ... "assault" ..... ?

This kinda looks "assaulty" ...

And it is clearly "military style"!!!!!

And there are "high capacity" magazines for them!!!!
themystic's Avatar
Actually, I forgot to add that when she was running for mayor of San Francisco she made a deal with the "gay community" to leave the torture chambers alone if she were elected. It sort of made sense later on when she support "enhanced interrogation" techniques, and I guess she just lost her appetite for slicing up folks and sewing them back up after the "fun part" was over.

"military style" ... "assault" ..... ?

This kinda looks "assaulty" ...

And it is clearly "military style"!!!!!

And there are "high capacity" magazines for them!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yawn. Another right winger complaining about a woman in power. Why cant they all be like Kellyanne the white house slut
  • oeb11
  • 01-12-2019, 04:14 PM
Fortunately for the Country, Feinstein is not in power
She is minority in the Senate.
Here comes RTM complaining that she is discriminated because she is Female
I call BS - it is her stupid politics, not her gender
She is proposing a law that will solve no problems.

The FDA only approves drugs proved safe and effective
We need to force our lying politicians to only propose laws they can prove are effective for the problem identified, and cost-effective in performance. We need a sunset law on all laws - after 10 years re-evaluate, renew, or let it die.
Useless exercise. The senate will never pass it, and if they did, President Trump would probably veto it. It takes 2/3 to over ride a veto.
winn dixie's Avatar
If you cant figure out how to get a gun in America, well lets just say that you shouldn't have one. There are more guns then there are people. Why don't white people start making more babies instead of guns? You may be worried about them taking your guns-(fear) but Im not-(faith). This has been right wing propaganda for decades that right wingers rally behind every time. Its so paradoxical You rally to have guns to kill people and then freak out about killing future babies-(abortion). Make up your fucking minds Originally Posted by themystic
PLEASE POST MORE! PLEASE KEEP IT UP! Fortunately most people know better. This dribble always proves conservative viewpoints..
themystic's Avatar
PLEASE POST MORE! PLEASE KEEP IT UP! Fortunately most people know better. This dribble always proves conservative viewpoints.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Make up your mind WD. In one post you are trying to get me banned and in this one you want me to post more. Republicans need guns. They live in constant fear of someone
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


Leave it to her to ban what has NOT been sold to private citizens since 1934.
themystic's Avatar


Leave it to her to ban what has NOT been sold to private citizens since 1934. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco your not supposed to reveal RW info. Call the moderators and have your picture taken down. Im sure it was a mistake