Local provider on cable tv....

Did anyone else spot the local provider that was on the cable TV show Bar Rescue the other night?
  • MrGiz
  • 02-12-2013, 10:53 PM
kindafun's Avatar
I have it recorded, but haven't watched yet. Approx where in the program do you see her?
NOT COOL..Mods, isn't this like outing someone?
shorty's Avatar
NOT COOL..Mods, isn't this like outing someone? Originally Posted by heidilynnla
I wouldn't think so. Did the TV program out her real name or was she was just in the background? Wished we had the link and where to look at, to make that determination if they said her real name or what.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
If she was on the program even in the background, her real world name can be found. (Trust Fancy, the ex-journalist, on this.) Wouldn't take all that much research to out her.

Really best we not go further here. (But such a cool show!)
NOT COOL..Mods, isn't this like outing someone? Originally Posted by heidilynnla
I honestly don't know. Its a great question though. Let me do a little research and see what the policy is of something this unique.

In the mean time please do not speculate about the identity of the provider. Thanks.

If she was on the program even in the background, her real world name can be found. (Trust Fancy, the ex-journalist, on this.) Wouldn't take all that much research to out her.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
This isn't accurate. For instance, if I am filmed at a sporting event - and I have been - there is no need to categorize my name. I have been in the background of other events that were shown on TV and no one ever got my name nor did they get my clearance to use my image.
  • Annef
  • 02-14-2013, 09:45 AM
I wouldn't think so. Did the TV program out her real name or was she was just in the background? Wished we had the link and where to look at, to make that determination if they said her real name or what. Originally Posted by shorty
What does it matter? It's not your business. Very uncool.
Arverni's Avatar
This is not a good thread.

Any information or clues on providers is not cool. These girls take enough chances.
I agree, no one here, provider or hobbyist would appreciate if it was done to them. Please be decent enough to respect others private lives apart from here
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I honestly don't know. Its a great question though. Let me do a little research and see what the policy is of something this unique.

In the mean time please do not speculate about the identity of the provider. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
If she was on the program even in the background, her real world name can be found. (Trust Fancy, the ex-journalist, on this.) Wouldn't take all that much research to out her.

This isn't accurate. For instance, if I am filmed at a sporting event - and I have been - there is no need to categorize my name. I have been in the background of other events that were shown on TV and no one ever got my name nor did they get my clearance to use my image. Originally Posted by Stick1969

Well, yeah, if you were in a coliseum or event with a ton of people. But that isn't quite the case, here. This type of reality program has a limited number of participants and very likely would get some type of permission, most probably a signed form indemnifying the producers from getting sued in the case of food or alcohol poisoning/allergic reactions, or a questionnaire about the changes made in the establishment's menu, since a large part of the show focuses on the tasting experience.

Even in the unlikely event she was uncleared, if she was plainly visible on the air, I assure you that a diligent reporter could find her name. And if any see this thread and think they can get a scandalous story out of it, they will. (Which is why I left journalism. It isn't honorable, and prostitutes itself MUCH more than I do.)

Thread should be closed.
Arverni's Avatar

Even in the unlikely event she was uncleared, if she was plainly visible on the air, I assure you that a diligent reporter could find her name.

Thread should be closed.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
It's too easy. Easy as pie. I'm not even going to say how.

But this does bring up another excellent opportunity to think about security and what is said on the forums here. You start with the presumption that LE is ABSOLUTELY looking at every word written. Then you have to remember that a little piece of info divulged here, along with another over here ... and another over there ... and a whole picture can be put together.

"Let's see here ... no pics of her but ah ... here's a guy that did an incall with her in Swamptown ... lots of her reviews say that - she prolly lives there. Oh wait - here's another review where the guy mentions she has a son in ninth grade ... what's the name of that High School in Swamptown? Oh, another review here says she's into ceramics ... what's the name of that ceramic shop in Swamptown? Oh, here's a pic taken of her IN her incall ... damn, that's the MOTEL 6 in Swamptown!!"

Nobody INTENDS to give out clues - but it's pretty damned easy unless you're watching what you write closely.

We found Osama - so anyone can be found.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Excellent points, Arverni.
Lol, y'all possibly watch too much bad TV. There are thousands of women in the background of that show. It was shot on Bourbon street, probably at least 12 streetwalkers made it into the background too.
Wow, didn't think people would be so fired up. I only posted this because the provider was so blatant in the show and obviously knew she was on. She is well known, and has advertised with her full face and body on SEVERAL websites for many years. It was no "oh, see that person walking in the background" moment.

As to those that have PM'd asking for info about the provider or a time stamp in the show where she is shown...she is there, you saw her. You must not have recognized her.

Lots of people here post very good points. However I was surprised no one posted this before me. This is not a post to "out" anyone. If a well known local provider goes on Good Morning America tomorrow it will be no secret.