Getting back in after being away for several years

Snake Oil's Avatar
Hi all,
For many reasons I left the hobby around '12 or '13. My last 2 providers were in Austin at that time. Am I back in the newbie world? Most providers require at least 2 recent refs. My Pref 411 has about 25 oks on it but from '13 and before. I was turned down recently because of that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
yup.. you're reputation is reversed back to that of a snake oil salesman (bet you didn't see that one coming ).

don't sweat it though.. I barely had any issue when I was new, and whatever I did have went away quickly.
pyramider's Avatar
There are hundreds of threads on this subject.
No worries...a FEW of us have figured out how to screen without calling up our competition for their opinion.

Just post an ISO and away your go......
None of your 25 Okays remember you?

Revisit some of them and get newer Okays
mrredcat43's Avatar
Time to hit up bustpage
ManSlut's Avatar
There are hundreds of threads on this subject. Originally Posted by pyramider
There are thousands of your Taint Pics request, equally redundant to the OP's inquiry.

Let the Gent enjoy his return to No Strings Attached Pussy Chasin'.
None of your 25 Okays remember you?

Revisit some of them and get newer Okays Originally Posted by NubianPrince
This would be your best bet!
dianaares_x's Avatar
There are a lot of newbie friendly providers, too! You could always let them know about all your OKs, and perhaps you can get the new ball rolling quicker

Good luck, OP!
Snake Oil's Avatar
Thanks. All good advice I will take.
pyramider's Avatar
There are thousands of your Taint Pics request, equally redundant to the OP's inquiry.

Let the Gent enjoy his return to No Strings Attached Pussy Chasin'. Originally Posted by ManSlut

I am all for him enjoying his return. But I am also all for a fucktard doing his own due diligence. He should how to use the Search tab, if he was ever in hobby before. Even on the p there was a Search tab ...