Let's discuss weight loss, but in a dignified manner

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I would like to discuss the importance of weight loss and what extra weight actually does to a persons blood chemistry.

It is my hope and intent that this can be discussed in a dignified manner without 'whale' and other types of comments who's only purpose is to degrade. Hopefully members can look at the problem of carrying too much weight, but do it in a common sense manner.

I took a trip to the doctor around late July 2012 and he ordered a blood test. My weight was 281 and in the past few blood tests (yearly well man checkups) my glucose (blood sugar) was >100 when it should be from 65-99. My 2011 glucose was 109, plus I had probably weighed a couple of pounds less in 2011. So he ordered an A1C (my first ever) which is basically a 3 month average of my blood sugar. I had also asked for a testosterone level since I was having blood drawn. I've been on thyroid meds since around Jan 2002, so this level is also checked every year.

The results weren't very good. My hemoglobin A1C was 6.3, which carries a diagnosis of 'pre-diabetes' and my glucose level was 121. Of course at 281 I was well overweight.

Doctors orders, lose weight and exercise or I would be a full blown diabetic. Since I've been married for >30 years to a type 1 diabetic, I sure didn't want to go there.

So it was time to lose weight. I wasn't given any orders by the doctor or set up with some sort of diet guru, I just tried to figure out how to knock off a bunch of weight, but do it in a painless manner. No pills or weight loss programs, just common sense and a will not to be a diabetic or have other conditions that accompany being overweight.

One of my pleasures is to watch a movie with a bag of popcorn and a can of coke. Not diet coke, but coke. Some days at work, I would purchase a 32 oz. coke and it lasted till noon, then I would either get a tea to go, or a coke to go during lunch. The cokes and popcorn were the first thing to go.

Walking was next, along with portion control. I tried to walk around a mile and a quarter and do it under 19 minutes, but shoot for under 17 minutes. About portion control, that's good old common sense. Instead of eating 2 hamburger steak patties, just eat one. Instead of a huge helping of macaroni and cheese, divide it by half. I started eating salads every night, and instead of snacking on popcorn, I snacked on grapes or seedless watermelon. It also helped that I've never been one for sweets or candy, so that wasn't a problem.

Losing the first 10 pounds was the easiest. In no time at all, the scale went from 281 to 270. Then the weight just kept coming off. One thing I would highly suggest is to set a reasonable goal for your weight, then when you make that goal, set another. I could not even think about going from 281 to 221. So, let's go from 281 to 251. Goal accomplished, now lets see the scale say 240, then from 240 to 230. If you set a goal that is too hard to reach, you may just give up, so set reasonable goals.

Right now I'm right at 251, which is a 30 pound weight loss in about 3 months. I would love to see the scale say somewhere in the high 220 to low 230 range.

Yes, I still enjoy an occasional steak, and yes, I enjoy Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster. I've not taken away all the enjoyment of eating, but just eat a bit less. I would say around 40% less than before.

I just got results from a blood test that was taken 3 months after the first one. The results are amazing. My cholesterol is in the 170 range, and it's never been that low in years. Most other years it was >200. All my other blood work showed a vast improvement over the last blood test, things like bad cholesterol, etc.. My A1C which was 6.3 in July is now 5.7, which is an amazing loss from the 6.3. The range for A1C is 4.8 to 5.6, and the 5.7 still puts me at risk, but the 6.3 was borderline diabetic. My glucose went from around 120 to 94, but that is more of an immediate blood sugar where the A1C actually tells the tale. You can fast to get better glucose, but you can't fast to fool the A1C.

My testosterone level in the primary test showed low at around 280 and the second one showed around 420. I didn't know that losing weight and eating less would increase the testosterone level, but that's something I will have to talk to the doctor about.

Let's talk a bit more about the A1C. Since my wife has been diabetic, we've always put a lot of faith in the A1C test. Lately we found out there was a home A1C test available. But the question is this, how accurate is this home A1C test? The day I had my second blood test, we came home, and I told her I would take that home A1C test to check it for accuracy. I hadn't eaten or drank anything since they drew blood from me, so this would be an apples to apples A1C test. I was shocked and pretty worried when the home monitor came up with 6.4, which was a bit worse than my primary test of 6.3. We just decided to wait for the call from the doctors office, and when I was told 5.7, there was a sigh of relief.

I would like to take a second and urge those who are overweight to think about what I posted. Back away from the table, and start a walking program. Nothing major, but some minor work will improve your risks that come with being overweight. Plus, I'm one of 'us', a normal guy who is just trying to help out some folks, not one making advertising dollars on some sort of TV or radio show. I'm not expecting a bunch of 'way to go' comments, but like my thread about colon cancer checkups, trying to let members know how others react to medical issues. I'm just trying to let my experiences be known and if a couple of people read and practice what I've posted about, then it's a great thread. Like the colon cancer thread (http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=72928), if one or two people got over their fear of having a colonoscopy and had it done, then that was a great thread.

I would like to again please ask the membership to keep this thread going, but going in a dignified manner using positive inspiration.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-06-2012, 01:01 AM
This thread needs whale pics already.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I agree with a lot of what you said the late Dr. Atkins proved it clinically...that losing weight actually throws several diseases out of the window (with no prescription drugs needed for diabetes). Americans eat far too much refined white flour (which I am guilty of also), but move toward fresh, unprocessed foods. When you shop, shop on the outside aisles of the grocery. You do not know what kind of growth hormones you get in that steak. Lately, the big fat t-bones from Kroger that I occasionally try, taste downright "weird". I know something is up about that meat! Well, guess I am a chatty gal tonight. Hope I don't start another "cold war", whatever that means.
Dude these threads are insiduos. I for one am not a great looker. Hence why i pay for sex. I,do not want a great looking provider who is a bitch. My sister eats like a rabbit but gains weight. Me i eat like a horse but i walk alot. Yes i am for health but these women need an outlet for some its drugs, booze, shopping sprees violence,bad boyfriends u name it. I rather they hsve a eating issue and most that do overcompesate with great service. This shit started because of wakeup. I have no beef with u so please start no war of words, but this is a fucking hooket board and we pay for sex. I love anonymity but i wish some of u condescending assholes had to post a pic of yourself along our bullshit screen names. I,will guarantee none of us look like zac efron or even arnold jackass fucj thw maid in my own house swarz. Honestly, the way some of us look a woman has to eat a cheeseburger, get excesively drunk or whatever to go through the process. if u fucktards really gave a fuck buy an hour of her time and take her to the gym. or better yet tell that to your equally as fuck wife, mom, so sister or whatever. I have few requirements, dont set me up, try, turn off your fucking phone and mske me feel like i don't feel every day. Simple. Lets be fucking honest. You guys get bamboozle nuts here becausr of these fake ass handles like. Wakep your dry humor is sometimes refreshing, but unless u are s price is right model, stop bashinf these chicks for imperfections pleade. You know that shit is wrong. I was bullied in school every day and its wrong!!also it cowardly. Also val how do you ride wakeups boat on that shit if y weren't what you are now if it had not been liposuction, great hairstylist and dye, a great boob job, lifts and whatever else. You look great and i would love an hour of your time, but please stop bullying is cruel inhuman and similiar in my opinion to nazi thinking,which was lower than dog shit. I don't have a tenth of some of thesr guys hobby funds but i will never cease to champion peoples rights. So u weight thread beares who keep this.wakeup inspired shit going presch that sermon to your cousin, wife, sid mom, chubby.child.or whatevet, but please don't let not slip our propensity for.hookers. Give me a break u 800 pound dietician.
Mojojo's Avatar
Dude these threads are insiduos. I for one am not a great looker. Hence why i pay for sex. I,do not want a great looking provider who is a bitch. My sister eats like a rabbit but gains weight. Me i eat like a horse but i walk alot. Yes i am for health but these women need an outlet for some its drugs, booze, shopping sprees violence,bad boyfriends u name it. I rather they hsve a eating issue and most that do overcompesate with great service. This shit started because of wakeup. I have no beef with u so please start no war of words, but this is a fucking hooket board and we pay for sex.

I love anonymity but i wish some of u condescending assholes had to post a pic of yourself along our bullshit screen names. I,will guarantee none of us look like zac efron or even arnold jackass fucj thw maid in my own house swarz. Honestly, the way some of us look a woman has to eat a cheeseburger, get excesively drunk or whatever to go through the process. if u fucktards really gave a fuck buy an hour of her time and take her to the gym. or better yet tell that to your equally as fuck wife, mom, so sister or whatever.

I have few requirements, dont set me up, try, turn off your fucking phone and mske me feel like i don't feel every day. Simple. Lets be fucking honest. You guys get bamboozle nuts here becausr of these fake ass handles like. Wakep your dry humor is sometimes refreshing, but unless u are s price is right model, stop bashinf these chicks for imperfections pleade. You know that shit is wrong. I was bullied in school every day and its wrong!!also it cowardly.

Also val how do you ride wakeups boat on that shit if y weren't what you are now if it had not been liposuction, great hairstylist and dye, a great boob job, lifts and whatever else. You look great and i would love an hour of your time, but please stop bullying is cruel inhuman and similiar in my opinion to nazi thinking,which was lower than dog shit.

I don't have a tenth of some of thesr guys hobby funds but i will never cease to champion peoples rights. So u weight thread beares who keep this.wakeup inspired shit going presch that sermon to your cousin, wife, sid mom, chubby.child.or whatevet, but please don't let not slip our propensity for.hookers. Give me a break u 800 pound dietician. Originally Posted by snowballpeter
Ok someone else do the spell check...
Also val how do you ride wakeups boat on that shit if y weren't what you are now if it had not been liposuction, great hairstylist and dye, a great boob job, lifts and whatever else. You look great and i would love an hour of your time, but please stop bullying is cruel inhuman and similiar in my opinion to nazi thinking, Originally Posted by snowballpeter
Why do I keep getting dragged into this shit? As far as 'riding Wakeup's boat', I do think people should look after themselves and maintain healthy diets and lifestyles, that hardly makes me a bully or cruel. If I'm a cunt to anyone one here it's because they probably deserved it.

And what do you mean by what I am now? The only plastic surgery I've ever had done is a tit job. I've never had any lipo or lifts, my body is the way it is because I work hard to take care of it, exercise, and don't eat a lot of bullshit foods. So get your facts straight before comparing my thought process to that of a Nazi....
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Don't play naive Val, you get dragged into threads because we like looking at your avatar

and don't act as if you don't like it lol.
dearhunter's Avatar
Another diet threAD about Wakeup.......heh
If you go where they serve fat beeyotch food, you will see a bunch of fat beeyotches stuffing it down their fat yaps. Those fat beeyotches are likely to have more health problems than non-fat beeyotches. Do the math and make your choice. Nice avatar, Valerie. Make Wakeup get rid of that Cardinals avatar and put up another one of you, por favor.
Here is my story - I am 6ft 3. 54 yrs old.

On November 1, 2011 - I took a look in the mirror and something told me..I needed to lose some weight. I weighed 290 at time, and was taking BP meds. The doc had been on my ass a long time to lose weight. I figured I would lose 20 lbs, I was 270 a lot of my adult life. I just go lazy recently about eating too much.

So we had this elliptical machine at the house, and I dusted it off, and started using it. Within a couple weeks, 5 lbs were gone. Then a few more weeks another 5. By new years, I was 280. I was working out every day, 30-45 mins. And I improved my diet too.

With new years, I resolved, no more fried foods, no more sweets, unless sugar free. I started drinking 64 oz of water a day. And kept working out.

I started using a game for my WII game console called "EA Active Sports 2". Its like a personal trainer program. It has different circuits it guides you to do. Soon this was my every day exercise routine. 45 mins a day. I was addicted to it. I sitll use it about 4 days a week. But during the winter and spring months, I used it religously, and I was losing 2 or 3 lbs a week. That, along with my better diet. And the water intake is significant too I think.

By May 1 , I weighed about 245 lbs. Now I weigh 225. I went from 48 in waist, to 40. Almost 38. My suit jacket size went from 52 to 46. I can play a round of golf without feeling like quitting after 12 holes. Even in the heat of the Georgia summer. I could have easily played another 9 or 18.
I was mowing the grass without taking breaks every 10 mins. I could do in 45 mins, what it used to take me almost 2 hours to do.

Counting calories helps too. Keep it to 2000 a day max. There are cell phone apps that will help. After doing this for several months, I find I cannot eat as much as I used to. But I feel full when I do.

Fitness is a wonderful thing. I hope you can continue to find the inspiration to achieve some significant weight loss goals. If I can do it, so can you.
Do whatever you have to do, but start now, today, to get your weight down. Push away from the table, get out and walk hard until you are breathing hard and red in the face, but get off your ass and do something about it. Even if it is already affecting your health, you can only gain healthwise by dropping some pounds. When I was married, my wife fed me a steady diet of stress and unhealthy food and I gained 30 pounds in no time at all and I was clearly a fat beeyotch. Saw my 85 year old Uncle at a funeral (my cousin's - his then 54 year old stepson who checked out while being 5'10" and weighing 345# and having chainsmoked since age 16) and he asked me "How long have you had that suit?" - that was harsh at that place and that time coming from that dude. Eventually got separated prior to divorce and quit eating my ex-wife's swill and started eating like I did when I was my normal weight and dropped 30 pounds. Had some health issues and dropped 15 more pounds. Gained 15 pounds back when I recovered. Got poisoned by a negligent dentist and dropped 10 pounds, now at 58, 6'1" I weigh 175# - same as I did at age 18 - I hope to get back to 180-185 without is being just fat poundage. So do whatever it takes - get a divorce if necessary, because if you have serious health issues because of your weight or perhaps die from being overweight then everything else will be meaningless.
Everyone has opinions on weight loss, so I thought I would throw out my two cents. Simply put, if you are overweight, scale back the portions, cut out the complex carbs, cut the sugar, and take in plenty of lean protein and fresh green veggies. This will get the process rolling. With regard to cardio, yeah, you burn a few calories and it’s great for the heart. But, if given only two options for fat loss, cardio or weight lifting, I would go with the weightlifting. I know a really well respected bodybuilder/personal trainer/dietician. She is fifty years old, so she knows all about how the metabolism slows as we age. She once told me, “I can tell you how many 40+ yr. old marathoners come to me to ask how to lose belly weight.” She said they are astonished that they can run 5 to 7 miles a day and still start accumulating body fat. The problem is, they have well toned legs, but they aren’t carrying enough overall muscle. Having a well muscled physique speeds up your metabolism. Muscle burns calories. She will put those marathoner’s on a muscle building regimen and they immediately start burning body fat. Often, when you first start dieting and weight lifting, you don’t immediately see appreciable results on the bathroom scale. This is because muscle weighs 7 times fat. But, if you maintain a strict diet and weight lifting routine, you will see amazing and rapid results in the mirror.
I’m 51 years old and have been working out since my mid teens. Yeah, I don’t have the same enthusiasm as I had in my youth, but I still maintain a lot of muscle on a fairly lean frame. At the risk of sounding arrogant, who doesn’t want to look their best on a tropical vacation? Every time I get ready for a vacation, I don’t cut my diet one bit, I actually increase my protein intake, and just step up the weights I use just a bit. In a couple of weeks I will lose the very little body fat I do carry.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
All I want is to be able to fit into a size 30 pants. Do you know what a pain it is to find size 29 or 28 pants!! It's a pain in my no ass havin ass! How about we have a thread on how to gain freakin weight and don't tell me eat sweets and shit cause that ain't workin trust me lol.
Once you get a certain age it seems to be next to impossible to gain weight by building muscle - you can lose weight by consuming your own muscle, but you can't rebuild what was lost very easily. Your dick stays the same size, so you eventually become skinny and look like you're really hung, if that's any comfort to you, EA, with your narrow ass.
... “I can tell you how many 40+ yr. old marathoners come to me to ask how to lose belly weight.” ........ Originally Posted by GymRat
I work with THAT guy - he was a lean long distance runner when young, quit running, became a fat beeyotch, turned diabetic. I thought just being fat would get to him, now this is real serious for him and his family. I found out about his condition when I heard him talking to our IT consultant, who had just found out that he had the big "D" and was telling him "It's not a death sentence, here's what I am doing about it." Tragic. I had a couple of cokes as a rare treat yesterday, when I get up from the keyboard now I am going in there and throwing them away and taking the pledge to quit soft drinks (again, unfortunately). Resolve is most of the battle.

I've lost plenty of weight before by just eliminating the soft drinks - I remember that one picture of Wakeup's refrigerator before ...