Making it up next time

I've seen a number of reviews where reviewer stated that the lady had an off day and told the hobbyist, "I'll make it up to you next time."

Ladies, seriously... you in a service industry. If any civilian in a service industry makes a mistake, or does not satisfy the needs of their client, they fix the problem, and they pretty much do it for free.

If you value repeat business, because isn't it easier and less risky to have a repeat client whose safety factor is known, then get a clue...

If you already know that you screwed up, and care at all about retaining the hobbyist as a repeat client, then don't just tell him, "I'll make it up to you next time." If you say that, most of the time, you'll never hear from him again because why would he want to spend his time and money to roll the dice with the same disappointment again when there are so many other providers from which to choose?

Instead tell him, "Look, I know that I'm having a off day. I really do normally provide a more enjoyable time than we just shared. I would appreciate it if sometime in the next month if you can find the time to come back and see me again so I can show you just how enjoyable that time we share together can be. I will be happy to spend that time with you with no fee involved at all."

Also, if a lady blows an appointment after letting the hobbyist first drive to the vicinity of her incall location, she should still offer to spend some fee-less quality time just out of gratitude for his understanding... and the extra chance.

Everyone has a bad day, and things don't always go well as a result. How a provider frames that event at the end will determine greatly how the client responds... and what he is inclined to tell others about her.

Just something for a lady to think about while she sits alone waiting for the phone to ring again.
pyramider's Avatar
Everyone can off an off day. Most ladies are not going to give anyone a freebie. I would doubt the lady was that off her game to warrant a freebie. By making it up to you the lady might mean a discount or extra time.

Keep on dreaming for that elusive freebie
Everyone can off an off day. Most ladies are not going to give anyone a freebie. I would doubt the lady was that off her game to warrant a freebie. By making it up to you the lady might mean a discount or extra time.

Keep on dreaming for that elusive freebie Originally Posted by pyramider
Coming from you? You saying that everyone can have and off Day? You are always the first on my bucket list saying that well if you paid her she needs too always preform her A game. Very interesting indeed for you too say that.

As to the op of the post I am very sorry that you have been treated that way here. Yes there are days were we all have some that are so perfect. What can I say but hey I am human. Yes I have been know too offer freebies not discounts too the gentlemen where we didn't get along for some reason, or I was late, etc. There are some nice gals out there. Keep trying you will find a good one
pyramider's Avatar
Coming from you? You saying that everyone can have and off Day? You are always the first on my bucket list saying that well if you paid her she needs too always preform her A game. Very interesting indeed for you too say that.
Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Nothing has changed the way I feel. I have said several times in the past that we all have off days. I do not take it personally when a lady does not have her A game. Some ladies have gotten upset due to me not having MY A game, I try to leave my baggage at the door but sometimes it creeps in. My A game is probably most tards R game but it is what it is. But as long as there is taint to tickle its all good.
er48665's Avatar
Most providers that have an off day will either to try to sweep it under the rug and request not to be reviewed or simply not say anything about the situation. Getting a freebie, well good luck with that.

If I know I am in the wrong than I will offer a free make up session. I can't always be perfect everyday, but I sure as hell can dam try.
er48665's Avatar
If I know I am in the wrong than I will offer a free make up session. I can't always be perfect everyday, but I sure as hell can dam try. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Tara, not trying to start up some drama or anything but have you contacted the gentleman that gave you the "no" review and tried to make it up to him. Just wondering...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If I know I am in the wrong than I will offer a free make up session. I can't always be perfect everyday, but I sure as hell can dam try. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Everytime I have seen you, you have been awesome as hell. In fact, I fondly remember our session together back at Anna Anderson's place near TI. Everytime I see those Budweiser gals I think of you!
Tara, not trying to start up some drama or anything but have you contacted the gentleman that gave you the "no" review and tried to make it up to him. Just wondering... Originally Posted by er48665
Sure have. And no its all good.
But there are some are just mean and jerks and no I don't hav them a tree session. Only if its my fault then yes.
Everytime I have seen you, you have been awesome as hell. In fact, I fondly remember our session together back at Anna Anderson's place near TI. Everytime I see those Budweiser gals I think of you! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Thank JL. Your have always been one of my favs.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
An offer to make up for poor service and actually following through on that offer when it's accepted are two entirely different things. If you're in a situation where things didn't go well, write a timely, honest no review. Even if she's made some sort of make-up offer. Then move on without expectations.

If she actually does make it up to you with something tangible (extra time, a discount on a future session, freebie, etc), win. You can then write a follow-up and people can get the whole story. If not, then you've warned your fellows and aren't letting her avoid the bad press by stringing you along with false promises.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Leave it to Tara to make everything about her *eye roll*

On topic

I was once 10mins late getting to my incall for a scheduled appt. it was rush hour and I got stuck in traffic.

I stayed in constant communication with this guy and apologized for being late.

When I got there he said he left and seemed very upset over the phone even tho I told him I was stuck in 635 bumper to bumper traffic.

Me being naive and a little too nice and afraid of him writing bad things about me, offered him a free session. Of course then he changed his tune.

He comes for a session I gave it my all he seemed to have a great time.

You think he would at least tip something anything or at least schedule another session but nope never heard from him again.

I felt used and very low.

We all have our off days we are not machines and sometimes you just don't click. Even if that's the case I still give 100% in all my sessions.

With all that being said hell no I will never ever offer a freebee again. I may offer a discount or extra time on a future visit but never a freebee.
And yes Leave it up too Jules too always have her point as well with Tara.
Now back on topic again. I will always offer a free session if I believe it is my fault. Whether I am late stuck in traffic, my other appt went offer. Yes that is that right thing too do. Now yes the guys most of the time will always tip me but that is this choice.
Hercules's Avatar
Can't tell you how many "make-up" sessions I've been offered. Make-up appointments usually go on the ladies' back burner and they will undoubtedly bump any discounted make-up session for a full price session ("I'm getting my nails done for ya can you wait a couple hours?").

If they performed badly and know it they should offer a courtesy partial refund on the spot. MOST gentlemen will refuse to accept it but it shows sincerity on her part.
And I as well have offered them money back. Some take it some dont.