This is unbelievable. Micheal Browns Parents testify before UN.

I wonder if any of the members of this UN committee told her that in most Countries, if a street thug "bum rush's"a cop because he thinks the cop is about to arrest him, the results would be similar to what happenned to her son.

I wonder how "T shirt" sales are doing?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Did the UN ever get the water turned back on in Detroit for the people who were stealing it?
Thanks Obama.

Thanks Jesse.
Thanks Al.
Thanks Eric.
The UN wants to help our Slave Masters disarm us... Fuckem!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow! This is a fucking OUTRAGE!
They went to the UN because they want the world to know what happened to their son in Ferguson?

Well, that's understandable. There's been hardly any mention of it in the press...
Anyone know the stats on black on black violence in Ferguson before the shooting? Like how many black civilians were killed by other black civilans last year in Ferguson, MO? I'd like to know that statistic if anyone can pull it up. I'm not very savvy at locating info like that. Thanks in advance.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-11-2014, 09:09 PM
They should have had the guy who shot and killed the black kid in Florida for not turning down his radio go speak at the UN.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Or Ebola...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Anyone know the stats on black on black violence in Ferguson before the shooting? Like how many black civilians were killed by other black civilans last year in Ferguson, MO? I'd like to know that statistic if anyone can pull it up. I'm not very savvy at locating info like that. Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Happy to help!! Ferguson is in St Louis County and is part of the St Louis metropolitan area.

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – The shooting death of Michael Brown has unleashed a torrent of pent-up hostility against local police.
But a University of Missouri – St. Louis researcher says emotions aside, the number of black youth who have been fatally shot by white police officers has been fairly low in recent years.
Criminology professor David Klinger told KMOX’s Charlie Brennan that he conducted a thorough, decade-long study that showed there were 1,265 murders over that time, with 90 percent of the victims being black. And 90 percent of those black victims were killed by other blacks.
“While I understand the people are concerned about the use of deadly force by the police, by far – about 50 to 1 – more blacks in St. Louis are killed by other blacks as compared to white police officers,” Klinger says.
Over that same period, Klinger says 31 blacks were killed by police officers – 21 by white police officers.
“The sad fact is, we had well over a thousand black-on-black homicides in the city of St. Louis during that same decade,” he says.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what's your point?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You realize that if violence breaks out and the civilians shoot back there may be less crime afterwards....because there may be less criminals.
St Louis made the "Most Violent Cities in the World" list at #40...
They went to the UN because they want the world to know what happened to their son in Ferguson?

Well, that's understandable. There's been hardly any mention of it in the press... Originally Posted by ExNYer
Brown's parents traveled to Switzerland and testified before some UN commission on torture. I wonder how the Democrats funneled money to them to do that? They read from prepared remarks behind closed doors. I wonder who prepared them? I wonder how the committee members kept from snickering to themselves...

In other words, this is manufactured outrage by the Democratic plantation who are endangering life and property in Missouri solely for political injustice.

Anyone know the stats on black on black violence in Ferguson before the shooting? Like how many black civilians were killed by other black civilans last year in Ferguson, MO? I'd like to know that statistic if anyone can pull it up. I'm not very savvy at locating info like that. Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I've read JL's post and I've also read in Ferguson proper the Brown shooting was it's first case of a cop killing anyone. To me, that explains why Brown's body laid in the street for four hours.
LexusLover's Avatar
what's your point? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yours is on the top of your head.

The LAWYER's was answering the whore's question.