Is a bad economy actually good for the hobby?

Just as war has often been good for business it seems that a poor economy is great for the hobby.
What I mean by this is there appears to be a far greater influx of young exceptionally beautiful, healthy, drug free, intelligent and extremely fit talent as more college girls become strapped financially. In the past these were a rare find who soared above the competition in price and demand but not anymore.

I also notice that in spite of so many people out of work and businesses having to slash prices to stay afloat, the hobby seems unfazed as the average price of a one-hour session has continued to climb considerably over the past recent years. It makes you wonder how the average Joe can even afford regular sessions these days but they apparently do as both agencies and independents appear to be booked up pretty consistently.

So what do you think is behind this success? Is it the simple reasoning that in bad times people need all the more to escape reality which is why high priced movie theaters become busier? Where there is a need there is a new abundance of supply. Need plus supply equals profit. I wonder how long this can last?
I would love to figure out how to apply this success secret to a non-hobby related business. If I could than I would be able to better afford the hobby :-)
i think alot of the women have not taken into account that people have less money to do things that are not "essential," like vacations, buying toys, or booking sessions with them. they can charge whatever they want, but many of the guys are staying away from the 300+/hour girls. look at Perfect 10 Escorts who charges 400/hr for their girls who look no better than 99% of the girls on here as indies or other agency girls. they do not have the market cornered on cute girls (personally i think over 50% of their girls aren't above a 7). yet they are asking $400/hour, which means they probably have very little business. i haven't seen a review of one of their girls in a month or so. and one of the only 4 girls on their website is on "vacation" in Vegas and has been for over a month - turns out she happens to be the hottest one, so i can only assume she will never be available and is only eye candy.

lots of young girls are doing this, i believe, not so much because of the economy, but because the internet is so mainstream right now. being an internet porn star or a webcam girl is mainstream. being a provider is only one step from that.

supply is high with girls right now. demand is dropping as the availability of expendable income reduces. so that means the market will see an overall drop in price if they want to keep making money. that also means quantity (and probably quality) of sessions will go down accordingly.
Funny that you guys should mention it because I dropped my rate from 350/400 per hour down to 275.00 per hr and I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter or are you just looking to bang 50 dudes a week now?" so it seems like there is no happy medium. If a girl drops her donation rate then it's usually met with kinda hostile curiousity but if she doesn't drop it then she's a stuck up whore?! Tell me what should be done?
nuglet's Avatar
don't pay attention to the haters.. they're just one of the speed-bumps in life..
Funny that you guys should mention it because I dropped my rate from 350/400 per hour down to 275.00 per hr and I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter or are you just looking to bang 50 dudes a week now?" so it seems like there is no happy medium. If a girl drops her donation rate then it's usually met with kinda hostile curiousity but if she doesn't drop it then she's a stuck up whore?! Tell me what should be done? Originally Posted by EroticEmily
Look a gift horse in the mouth? Not me. They must work for BP so they can afford to be dumb.
Elephant's Avatar
because I dropped my rate from 350/400 per hour down to 275.00 per hr and I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter or are you just looking to bang 50 dudes a week now?" Originally Posted by EroticEmily
Who the hell are these guys? They obviously don't post on ECCIE very much...
Just as war has often been good for business it seems that a poor economy is great for the hobby.
So what do you think is behind this success? Is it the simple reasoning that in bad times people need all the more to escape reality? Originally Posted by Codybeast
In many cases I think so!
Many professional men are working harder just to keep the quotas up. Some have had their workloads increase due to staff cut backs. Call it stress relief, a reward for working hard or perhaps a momentary escape into a world where they have more control over the outcome.

Being downtown I see many fellas in the financial industry and for every one that calls me on short notice because he "needs" to get away from the office, I have another that wants the CNBC ticker running during a session! Some want total escape and some just want a little!
Whatever works!
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 08-25-2010, 03:36 PM
War does help some business and hurts others- just depends on your area of B. On the whole I think the lower end of the price range (225 or less) is being hit hard with lots of competition. The mid level (225-300) is about the same. The 300 and up end probably feels little effect at all or an overall increase bc of the "stress" on the bigger bankrolls. I just hope the market holds. thegj
Beagle's Avatar
Who the hell are these guys? They obviously don't post on ECCIE very much... Originally Posted by Elephant
and don't read very much......
In many cases I think so!
Many professional men are working harder just to keep the quotas up. Some have had their workloads increase due to staff cut backs. Call it stress relief, a reward for working hard or perhaps a momentary escape into a world where they have more control over the outcome.

Being downtown I see many fellas in the financial industry and for every one that calls me on short notice because he "needs" to get away from the office, I have another that wants the CNBC ticker running during a session! Some want total escape and some just want a little!
Whatever works!
Tess Originally Posted by Topshelf Tess
X 2
Tess always intelligent, insightful, and with your finger on the pulse of -Men. Thank you --- for the escapes.
Running specials does help! Ur special might fit someone's budget who's been eyeing you... where as ur normal rate is not in the budget! So its a plus, u get more business and get to meet someone u might have never been able to. Only one problem here.... u run specials every week and then when u do go back up to your normal rate, buis. Will slow down until u run another special!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
A. That depends.

Howdy, Folks!

For a fellow that doesn't have a wife or girlfriend and wants the occasional carnal companionship of a lady without all the drama and expense - you bet. Wives and girlfriends that don't have jobs are financial liabilities and as a result are something to be eschewed in a downturned economy. Add in the possibility of said wives or girlfriends producing offspring with their inherent expenses, and the Hobby Equation makes a WHOLE lotta sense in a downturned economy.

Now, if said wife or girlfriend has a good source of income independent from her fellow, and said wife or girlfriend pleases the fellow in the ways in which he wishes to be pleased(physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, orally, etc.), AND the fellow can reciprocate those feelings - or at least supply said wife or girlfriend with whatever she needs, then - Hobbying in a bad economy makes very little sense.

As I said - it depends.

Case by case basis.

Happy Hobbying, whatever you may choose!
harkontume's Avatar
Funny that you guys should mention it because I dropped my rate from 350/400 per hour down to 275.00 per hr and I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter or are you just looking to bang 50 dudes a week now?" so it seems like there is no happy medium. If a girl drops her donation rate then it's usually met with kinda hostile curiousity but if she doesn't drop it then she's a stuck up whore?! Tell me what should be done? Originally Posted by EroticEmily


1." Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter"
Why did you say fatter? Does that mean you have a poor body image? Because IMHO ( according to your Showcase and reviews) you were not fat to begin with so you could not have gotten fatTER.
2. " I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that?"
COULD BE that they are thinking of the 350 smackers they laid down for your attention before. Kinda like buying that new Computer for $1000 and seeing it go on sale two weeks later for $600.

But back on track with this thread.... I personally would like to hear from some of those " New" providers mentioned. Would you have taken the plunge if the Economy wasnt so piss poor? Inquiring Minds want to know.
X 2
Tess always intelligent, insightful, and with your finger on the pulse of -Men. Thank you --- for the escapes. Originally Posted by Metal Smith
Thanks MS! It was my pleasure!
SofaKingFun's Avatar

Funny that you guys should mention it because I dropped my rate from 350/400 per hour down to 275.00 per hr and I got some emails from GUYS like "WTF...Why did you do that? Have you gotten fatter or are you just looking to bang 50 dudes a week now?" so it seems like there is no happy medium. If a girl drops her donation rate then it's usually met with kinda hostile curiousity but if she doesn't drop it then she's a stuck up whore?! Tell me what should be done? Originally Posted by EroticEmily
EroticEmily, I believe that if you banged 51 guys a week, the world would be a happier place.

