Trump Would Decieve His Friends So That He Could Fuck Their Wives

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Again I present to you the low down dirty dog that serves as POTUS. This guy has no class and no honor. He would do this to his fucking friends. This white negro can go to fucking hell...he's such a lowlife creep...

President Trump used to brag that sleeping with your friends' wives makes "life worth living," according to Michael Wolff's new book.

A passage of author Michael Wolff's Washington tell-all, "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," describes how Trump would devise calculated plots to get the wives of his friends into bed, using jealousy and revenge as bait.

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," reads the passage, a copy of which was obtained by the Daily News.

President Trump used to brag that sleeping with your friends' wives makes "life worth living."

Trump would then have his secretary ask the husband to stop by his office. Once the husband got in, Trump would subject him to "constant sexual banter" — all while having the wife listen in on the conversation via speakerphone.

"Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often? You must have had a better f--k than your wife?" Trump would apparently ask friends. "Tell me about it. I have girls coming in from Los Angeles at three o'clock. We can go upstairs and have a great time. I promise."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You’re an idiot
Hey Cyst, I'll make a bet with you. If President Trump is successfully impeached before Dec 31, 2018 I'll leave the board for 6 months. If not, you leave the board for 3. Offered also extended to StandinShit, WDF and Assup.
Again I present to you the low down dirty dog that serves as POTUS. This guy has no class and no honor. He would do this to his fucking friends. This white negro can go to fucking hell...he's such a lowlife creep... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Nobody in their right mind should give a flying fuck what anyone including a President does behind closed doors. So why do you? Obama is a homosexual he had male lovers. Michelle is a tranny. You're ok with that shit though aren't ya?

Hotrod511's Avatar
Nobody in their right mind should give a flying fuck what anyone including a President does behind closed doors. So why do you? Obama is a homosexual he had male lovers. Michelle is a tranny. You're ok with that shit though aren't ya?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Sissylips is all that in one package
Hotrod511's Avatar
You’re an idiot Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
He's more than a idiot of idiots
NoTell's Avatar
Hey Sissy Chapel, I see got a James Comey Spy Kit for Christmas!!!! LOL

The author has already admitted that parts of the book are not true. So, that makes the whole book untrue......GREAT JOB!!! ~Rolling my eyes~
Again I present to you the low down dirty dog that serves as POTUS. This guy has no class and no honor. He would do this to his fucking friends. This white negro can go to fucking hell...he's such a lowlife creep... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Only you would be stupid enough to believe a book of fiction.
Only you would be stupid enough to believe a book of fiction. Originally Posted by Cherie
And he owns ALL of shrilLIARy's " tomes " and considers them HIS " Bible " on the " truth " !
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Only you would be stupid enough to believe a book of fiction. Originally Posted by Cherie

I guess this is fiction too huh...Trump (on Audio) encouraging Howard Stern to flirt with his Naked wife...Looks like the POTUS is also a FUCKING CUCK!!!

what you dipshits don't seem to get is that the fucking guy is a Liberal and has been his entire life so all the Liberal media outlets have the goods on this FOOL!!! You guys are the only idiots that believe he's actually a Republican
Only you would be stupid enough to believe a book of fiction. Originally Posted by Cherie
It's not only him. there's at least a dozen others in this forum that are equally as ignorant as he is.
