Alison Leanne/Kylee Ray..NCNS! I understand sometimes shit happens, but not always!

Go_Win's Avatar
Experience# 1:
I sent her an email on 03/21 seeking appointment. She responded back promptly asking for references. She verified with the references and confirmed appointment for 03/23 8:00am. The next day (03/22) she wrote an email that she's moving the appointment to 9.30am as she has to work till 8am. I was glad to see her notice in advance, anyway it's sunday i had nothing to do. so i said ok for 9.30. On 03/23 8:30am, i texted her for approx location, no response...9am another text, no response...9:15 called on her cell number, no response...sent an email, no response...i was so frustrated, but shit happens to i waited for some more time then sent another text around 10:30am she finally responded around 12pm saying her buddy doesn't have enough appointments for that day so she is taking her to work so she probably won't meet anyone. firstly, i won't expect such response from anyone after confirming the appointment...secondly, if that's the actual case i should have been informed about the changes/cancellations or at least could have responded to my calls/texts.

Experience# 2: I received a text on 03/31 that she will be in Dallas area from 04/03 - 04/08 and accepting pre-bookings. Though the quote "pre-booking" reminded Alison Leanne, since i didn't have her number in my contacts, i had to check on eccie to make sure that's her. meantime, i happened to read few threads about her account being banned and stuffs, and also about the new handle "Kylee Ray" etc... i was little skeptical, but still i felt this time it won't go wrong as she's the one invited. I texted her On 04/04 asking her availability for 04/07, she said she can do 10am. We both agreed on time. Since it's going to be a weekday and i will be travelling, i wanted to know her approx location so that i can plan my work accordingly. She provided. everything went well until this point. here's another bad day in my hobby era, texted her around 8:15am on 04/07 just to convey that i will be in her approx location around 9.30am. No response... I understand her late night work and studies etc... so i didn't expect immediate response but was confident that i will meet her this time. I got there 9:30am, sent another text. NO RESPONSE. started loosing my patience, called on her cell number several times and left vm, left few more texts...NO NO NO RESPONSE....was running late for work, but still wanted to wait until 11 and see if there's any response. called her again, NO finally got back to my work after DOING NOTHING OTHER THAN SPENDING THE ENTIRE BEAUTIFUL MORNING @ MULTIPLE PARKING LOTS. It's 2:39am on 04/08, still no response, but she is active on eccie inviting hobbyists.. i may/not get response after this thread, but it's of no use for either of us.

I'm still not clear whether am i chasing after a real girl or just no one? Guys please clarify!!!

Ending this thread with my dad's fav quote which taught lot of lessons in my life: IF YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU"RE DOING, JUST DON"T DO IT. EVER!!!
I just had the same experience with her tonight. She Confirmed appointment time, I went downtown, paid for parking, sat in the hotel lobby for an hour and a half, and she never responded to any of my texts or calls. Finally I just left. Smh.

I tried to comment on her ad but was not permission end to do so.
Hopefully she will make it up to me and I can write her a glorious review :-)!
diamondking9's Avatar
Myself and others have had similar experiences with her in West Texas. This appears to be her M.O. I thought maybe with the new handle she was going to turn over a new leaf and actually acquire some TCB skills. Apparently not! New name; same game.