Bullshit Reviews

I'm calling bullshit on the recent reviews posted by cvuw. He has contacted me for months (about 6 mths) now and as recent as 1 1/2 weeks ago with NO recent references. I had asked him numerous times and I did ask him the last time we talked if he had any recent references, he said no. He offered up a few "references" and only their phone numbers when he contacted me the first few times. None of his contacts checked out. I couldn't find any info on any of them and each time I asked him to send their website info or email address, he wouldn't give up any info. I searched with their numbers that he finally gave me and nothing turned up. I searched for ads, nothing. Then he BBC'd me on an email he sent out to all the ladies that he supposedly saw....all in Washington btw. Two of the "ladies" emailed me telling me that "she" had seen him and that's it. That's NOT the way references go and he knows that. I asked for all the info needed for me to not only screen him, but screen the ladies.

He's tried to contact a couple other ladies in the area and again, NO recent references. Now all of a suddent he's got 6 freakin reviews starting in August? If he has seen these ladies he's reviewed, why didn't he offer them up as a reference to not only me, but the other ladies he's been trying to see?

Everyone knows I'm a safety kind of gal and I screen thoroughly. I would never call out a hobbyist unless I had proof he's lying. This guy is lying.
uhm, okay im going to be as nice as I can here but how do you know who this man has seen or not seen? He is the only guy I saw while I was in Omaha last and he is a very nice and respectful man. I screened him well and he passed all my screening. I think before you post something like this you need to do your research a little better because assuming that his review is bull shit is YOUR assumption and its also a wrong one. i can tell you for a fact he saw me, as for the other five I dont know, he provided me with other information for screening. I don't know why you are putting this poor guy on blast like this..
Also his reviews were in Washington because he goes to work there, is it wrong that the man travels and has girls from different places? If they said hes okay (yes that is a weak reference) but none the less its a reference....
Anyone who knows me knows that I screen thoroughly and I do my research. I can also attest to one other lady who he tried to see and she screens as thoroughly as I do and he didn't pass with her.

If he had recent references, he should've given them to me when I had asked if he had recent references. I don't take weak references, I take references that are legit and pan out. You contradict yourself when you said he passed your screening because you screened him well, but then in your last posting you said his references were weak. You may take weak references, but I don't. I see clients from all over the US and plus I tour, so I know how to take references from ladies who are out of state. It works the same way.

If he had seen you, was he the older man the front desk guy questioned you about or did he see you at one of the hotels that you couldn't book because you're not 21? Per your postings.

Its my right to question a post, its an open forum and this site is for sharing information and keeping people safe. I'm not assuming shit, its fact.
No he was not the man in question at the hotel. This guy is not old, he is just a little older than me. The next guy that came through was questioned by the front desk.
This guy is safe and nothing is wrong with him, I screen well and can verify that he is okay.
I feel bad that he is getting attacked by posting reviews, isn't that what this board is for? Maybe he did give you some weak references, maybe he did lie..idk I can't speak for you. I do know that he is a fun, very pleasant man to be around.

Anyone who knows me knows that I screen thoroughly and I do my research. I can also attest to one other lady who he tried to see and she screens as thoroughly as I do and he didn't pass with her.

If he had recent references, he should've given them to me when I had asked if he had recent references. I don't take weak references, I take references that are legit and pan out. I see clients from all over the US and plus I tour, so I know how to take references from ladies who are out of state. It works the same way.

If he had seen you, was he the older man the front desk guy questioned you about or did he see you at one of the hotels that you couldn't book because you're not 21? Per your postings. Originally Posted by MsElena
Give a person enough rope to hang themselves and they usually do.
Give a person enough rope to hang themselves and they usually do. Originally Posted by MsElena

Im Done commenting here.
I do agree w/ Alexis.. I very recently saw a lady he posted a review about and it was 100% accurate.
I seriously don't understand what is so hard to grasp about this situation. So because his review matches with yours, that makes it golden? I could go make 10 different email accounts, make 10 different handles on here and then post a handful reviews....taking bits and pieces from other reviews to make my own. Its that simple. If you read his reviews and from what I can see (non BCD stuff), they're taken piece by piece from other reviews.

Why didn't this guy offer up his recent visits with these ladies then when asked by not only myself, but two other ladies? His last contact with me was Nov. 2nd, in which I had talked to him twice and asked him AGAIN if he was sure he didn't have any other references to use. His response to me, no. His response when asked the same question by two other ladies was also no. He didn't offer up weak references, he offered up references that doesn't exist.

If you don't know if he lied to me or the other ladies, then why are you trying to jump my ass and put my verification process into question? Little girl, I've been doing this off and on for almost half your age. I don't need someone who doesn't know how to screen properly to question me or the way I research/verify my clients. You admitted you take weak references, if that works for you, great. But, its going to end up getting you into trouble and your clients. You're going to be the low hanging fruit ripe for pickin by LE.

I don't take weak references nor do I give references for men I haven't seen. I'm held in high regards when it comes to my verification process and references. You just contacted me this week asking me and another lady if we had seen a certain guy without telling us if he was using us for as a reference or not. I told you I don't give references for guys I haven't visited. He should have told you from the start that I have never seen him BCD. Just because I vetted him a M&G doesn't mean jack and he should know better than to try to use me as a reference. The reference process that 100% of ladies who ask for references use is that you had to have seen the guy BCD. That proves again that your screening process is either weak, you don't know how to screen or you just don't care who you get money from.

I've never called out a guy for his reviews, but based upon the facts, not only my experience with him, but others.....something's not right.
Lol, Calm down Elena. I didn't say he is "golden" because his review matched mine, obviously you'd still need to verify him for yourself. But why all the drama? Step back and look at how condescending your messages are. It just sounds like your trying to start/pick a fight for no reason. If you think this guy is a legitmate threat, go post it on the alerts page.

Elena, in all honesty, im a lover not a fighter, so im going to drop it. Sounds like you could use some stress relieving sometime soon =)
For your information, this "little girl" didn't use his references for screening. I used other resources thanks for tryin though. As for the dude at the meet and greet he never told me he didnt see you BCD. I didnt find out he didn't until you told me so. if I'm contacting you and asking you for a reference don't you think MAYBE I have a reason to be contacting you? I don't email random people for references. I'm not fucking stupid.
MsElena someone's gotta tell you this so i figured ill do it, you have your head held way to high, you think you're so much better than everyone else & frankly its quiet unattractive.

Im done I will no longer be contacting you for any references nor advice.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
AMEN lookin4fun and Alexis! Your original post MsElena I came to the same conclusion seeing 6 reviews all at once with no backstory required. I then see Alexis sticking up for the client, something as a newb I would appreciate. You have been nice to my comments in other posts, you are obviously a good host with so many positive reviews, but this judgmental side does not make me think I would have fun with you. As with every aspect in my life I was and still shy entering this hobby. I have seen two hosts that were fun but did not leave me with the urge to partake in this hobby more often. I know I do not have the references to see all the hosts that interest me, so seeing hosts stick up for clients that have bad things said about them encourages me. To be clear I have not seen Alexis either so at the end of the day I do not know more about either of you.
I don't get what the problem is here.

The guy didn't have references that panned out at all. That's bogus.

After being asked about any other possible references he said he had none. Now he post reviews that go back to August. So which one is it? That's bogus.

Is there any dude on here who wasn't questioning the sudden appearance of 6 reviews, especially with no backstory or explanation of why the floodgates were open now?

I certainly did.
12blue4u's Avatar
Maybe his wife was watching the computer? Maybe he did not feel like writing until now.
Maybe he was hospitalized. I am not going one way or another but without facts all of us are just making judgments and assumptions with no real knowledge base. I got blasted early on for some kind of errors here because I did a couple of guffaws.
Maybe we should have a hobby questionnaire and we could all fill it out for the providers, but I guarantee that there would be disagreements on that.
Its just differences of opinions and interpretations from what it seems to me.