
DBella's Avatar
I will be taking a trip to Lubbock tonight or tomorrow and was wondering what hotels are best.


kkgenki's Avatar
{staff edit- removing specific motel name- PM the lady-- CK} is pleasant
DBella's Avatar
john_deere's Avatar
{staff edit- removing specific motel name- PM the lady-- CK} on 34th is good.
I like the {staff edit- removing specific motel name- PM the lady-- CK}, or any at Quaker and the S. loop.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I'm wondering why any of you gents would post motel names instead of PM'g the lady? Why help LE any more than we already do?

Editing names of motels (even though it's kind of too late)....

PM the info to the lady please.
kkgenki's Avatar
Didn't know she'd be using the name Dbella
gotta remember to stay one step ahead huh gotcha.
CryptKicker's Avatar
She probably is not registering under her ECCIE handle sir but that does not mean the LE wouldn't be watching motels that you name here on the board.
john_deere's Avatar
and this is why they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
DBella's Avatar
Thanks gentlemen.