Austin to implement Bexar county mask rules

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Looks like the masks came off a little early.
Hopefully, the masks will be enough by themselves, and a shutdown like we had won't be required.

With Abbott’s OK, Austin requires masks at businesses
Austin Mayor Steve Adler issued an order Wednesday, mandating that all businesses immediately come up with a plan to require facial coverings.

The order came after Gov. Greg Abbott gave his approval to a new Bexar County rule that requires businesses to mandate masks for workers and customers.

As the state reported another day of record-setting COVID-19 infections, Abbott was asked if the Bexar County order went too far.

No, he told a Waco TV station, indicating that it was consistent with his emergency orders during the pandemic.

With that clarification in place, Adler moved ahead with similar guidelines in Austin, which requires businesses to “develop and implement a health and safety policy or plan related to COVID-19.” The plan must require, at minimum, that all employees and visitors wear face coverings.
Adler’s order offers several exceptions for facial coverings, including when a person is alone “in a separate single space, whether indoors or outdoors.” It also lays out exceptions for those with members from their same household and when a person is eating or drinking in a restaurant or bar.

“During this time, we will transition to a more direct order on masks, working with our business community so our whole city moves forward together and so that everyone can get prepared,” Adler said in a statement.

A county spokesman said Travis County Judge Sam Biscoe is working with attorneys to research Bexar County’s order and is considering issuing something similar “very soon.”

Under the order issued Wednesday by Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff, businesses must require employees and customers wear face coverings starting Monday.

Bexar County businesses could face a $1,000 fine for failure to develop and implement the policy, but — keeping in line with Abbott’s previous orders — no penalties can be enforced on individuals who fail to wear a face covering.

Amid uncertainty about the scope of Abbott’s orders and what they allow, the governor said it seemed Wolff had read his reopening plan and “finally figured that out.”

“There has been a plan in place all along that all that was needed was for local officials to actually read the plan that was issued by the state of Texas,” Abbott said in an interview Wednesday with KWTX-TV in Waco.

Health officials largely agree that wearing a face covering, in addition to social distancing, can help limit the spread of the coronavirus."
LexusLover's Avatar
I think people in Austin area should have to wear masks 24/7 anyway when out in public. Austin was such a lovely and beautiful city once. That will help get it back to what the city used to be. Now if they will only issue ball gags.
  • Tiny
  • 06-18-2020, 09:16 AM
Abbott's role in this is interesting. In his press conferences people around him wear them. He's encouraging and castigating people, trying to get them to use masks. Take a look at this for example,

However, he's hamstrung because masks have become a litmus test for some of the more foolish members of his party. If you wear one you're not a real Republican.

I think he fully intended for places like San Antonio and Austin where the coronavirus may be at risk of getting out of control to require masks, but he couldn't say it. He probably also believes there's no reason for, say, people in Brewster County to be required by law to wear masks.

Look how he reacted to the San Antonio mandate, "In a surprising twist, Abbott didn’t object to Wolff’s order, telling Waco news station KWTX that his order allowed counties to impose those restrictions on businesses all along. Wolff just “finally figured that out,” Abbott said.
The Bexar County leader’s actions and Abbott’s blessing opened the door for other Texas counties to do the same."

Abbott's executive order prohibits charging fines to people who don't wear masks. But it doesn't include any prohibition on fining businesses, which is what Bexar County is doing.
LexusLover's Avatar
Abbott's role in this is interesting.

Abbott's executive order prohibits charging fines to people who don't wear masks. But it doesn't include any prohibition on fining businesses, which is what Bexar County is doing. Originally Posted by Tiny
Some of these "orders" and "mandates" will get some court tests, which may end up in the Federal system either beginning in U.S. District Courts or from the State Supreme Court to the SCOTUS.

Some hint of how those efforts might result is in the Robert's opinion on ObminableCare when he discusses "charging" vs. "taxes" and the authority to do either....looking at the case law he identifies in his discussion.

An issue from the beginning in Texas has been the failure of the media (and citizens blogging) to read the actual executive orders as opposed to listening to each other speculate as to what is in them. The mischaracterization has resulted in a lot of the hysteria and push back and IMO caused a lot of people to close or abandon their businesses when they did not have to do so.

Additionally, I have yet to see anyone pose a court challenge to Abbott's authority to engage in the anti-virus efforts he has included in any executive orders he has signed. I also include the mayors and county judges and their authority to order people and businesses around.
winn dixie's Avatar
I think people in Austin area should have to wear masks 24/7 anyway when out in public. Austin was such a lovely and beautiful city once. That will help get it back to what the city used to be. Now if they will only issue ball gags. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Especially the doty hall of famer in clarksville!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think people in Austin area should have to wear masks 24/7 anyway when out in public. Austin was such a lovely and beautiful city once. That will help get it back to what the city used to be. Now if they will only issue ball gags. Originally Posted by LexusLover

winn dixie's Avatar

I can throw a rock here in any direction and hit a lib. Really not that hard
Abbott's role in this is interesting. In his press conferences people around him wear them. He's encouraging and castigating people, trying to get them to use masks. Take a look at this for example,

However, he's hamstrung because masks have become a litmus test for some of the more foolish members of his party. If you wear one you're not a real Republican.

I think he fully intended for places like San Antonio and Austin where the coronavirus may be at risk of getting out of control to require masks, but he couldn't say it. He probably also believes there's no reason for, say, people in Brewster County to be required by law to wear masks.

Look how he reacted to the San Antonio mandate, "In a surprising twist, Abbott didn’t object to Wolff’s order, telling Waco news station KWTX that his order allowed counties to impose those restrictions on businesses all along. Wolff just “finally figured that out,” Abbott said.
The Bexar County leader’s actions and Abbott’s blessing opened the door for other Texas counties to do the same."

Abbott's executive order prohibits charging fines to people who don't wear masks. But it doesn't include any prohibition on fining businesses, which is what Bexar County is doing. Originally Posted by Tiny
A Republican who wears a mask doesn't mean he's not a true Republican, It means he's an idiot and that goes for anybody. So dumb the fuck on.
winn dixie's Avatar
How bout everyone at the teenth celebrations tomr. boycott the "Man" and not wear their masks! That'll show'em!

lolling lol
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2020, 08:41 AM
libDPST's are just fine with "non-violent rioting and looting (Hannah-Jones) - but a Trump rally in tulsa is an exigent threat to Public Health and must be stopped at all costs.

Perhaps pelosi and biden will send in their OBLM shock troops to stop the rally!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Especially the doty hall of famer in clarksville! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Check the counter stools at the Enfield Drug Store just OUTSIDE of CLARKSVILLE!

If he's not there .... he's working the stalls in back.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You people are so desperate.
Not content to just not wear a mask, you feel you need to stop others from wearing a mask.

Every day there are fewer trumpys.
Beat your chests, spray everything with spit.
Look what trump has done in 3 years.

We're going to walk down there and fuck them all.
libDPST's are just fine with "non-violent rioting and looting (Hannah-Jones) - but a Trump rally in tulsa is an exigent threat to Public Health and must be stopped at all costs.

Perhaps pelosi and biden will send in their OBLM shock troops to stop the rally!!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm driving the 4 miles north to Montgomery County. Fuck Sly and Lina. No Riots either.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not content to just not wear a mask, you feel you need to stop others from wearing a mask.... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Try to understand the simple design dynamic of a N95 mask or even what it was created for. An infected person wearing one does, and I emphasize, NOT A DAMNED THING to prevent spreading any disease. Period(.) It don't stop jack-shit outbound. It has a bypass port(s) for exhale, i.e. not filtered. BTW: what ever it does happen to stop from exiting, due to port size restriction area - stays on your face and gets rebreathed continuously.

Disposable masks, like in hospitals, are designed for use in a sterile environment and are meant to be changed out frequently. Like every 20-60 minutes. They are not meant for long term use and definitely not meant for reuse or continued use. They are designed to stop unexpected 'big spray' emissions - from either direction and fit poorly on your face, i.e. tons of bypass areas, aka gaps.

Cloth masks are in essence, the worst of the worst of the worst - with honors. They retain moisture, prevent carbon dioxide from exiting, collect and hold contaminates and causes one to rebreath their own breath/germs/emissions as well as those from the other side of the mask. Mold is highly likely to develop within them as well.

The shortcomings in all three are accentuated with continuing "fiddling around" with the fit of the thing and disturbing the built up pestilence, not to mention continued removing/replacing of the same mask, while it is resting over the very places that are inlet portals for the disease.

Wear 'em if you want to. Just try to fathom what their design criteria was versus how you "feel" it achieves your objectives.

Two last math thoughts for you to ponder:
  • How many 3-micron sized Corona Virus germs cause COVID?
  • Does your mask stop less than that number?
Chung Tran's Avatar
the no-mask Retards will never be convinced.. the Redneck Texans will never learn.