Covid & the Hobby

Weighing in where everyone is at with the threat of Covid combined with hobbying. I’ve been on hiatus for 6 months now, and honestly it’s getting really old and very isolating. Cabin fever is an extreme understatement.

Question is for both the ladies and the gents – what are you doing to protect yourself & take precautions against contracting it? Social distancing and masks are obviously not a practical solution when our interactions are so intimate…

Are y’all getting tested frequently? Or are you just approaching it with the attitude that whatever will be will be? I’m at a loss with how to proceed, and kind of anxious... but I do miss my normal life.

Ladies – are you kissing? Rear-facing positions only? Debating my options. Looking forward to your responses and suggestions.
SlowHand50's Avatar
I'm going to stay tuned to the responses here, because this has had me stumped.

Every time I start to think what the hell, whatever will be will be, Covid can't be that bad, I find out about someone I know who had an awful time with it -- or worse.

Social distancing doesn't cut it when you feel the need for some good old direct, steamy social interaction.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
When COVID started I was a bit apprehensive.

Now I’m just like “whatever will be, will be.” If a lady asks me to wash my hands before and after session, I do it.

If she says no kissing, rear position, etc, I go with whatever makes her comfortable.
At first I was extremely cautious. Made sure to take all the necessary precautions in daily life. But within the last month I've pretty much come to the conclusion that we are either all going to get it at some point or we will have a vaccination at some point. I really don't see a way around it anymore. Naturally I'm counting on the fact of being healthy and not in it at risk age category as well.
arcountryboy1's Avatar
Thanks Ginger for bringing this up. I have been very apprehensive to entering back into the hobby because of Covid. If you look at the stats in Arkansas when things first got started and people got scared the chance of getting it was negligible. That actually was the time to really ht the Hobby hard. Now we are seeing a significant upsurge in cases in Arkansas primarily in Central and Northwest regions where the populations are higher. I believe with the advent of schools starting we will see an even greater surge in cases. As a worker in one of the surgical hospitals our rules are to test everyone within 72 hours prior to any surgery. I think that would be a good guideline for hobby contacts if you want to be safe. Both parties test within 72 hours prior to contact. Otherwise I think limiting the contact( ie: no kissing or no frontal contact) between individuals defeats the purpose of having a get together.

I personally have a grandmother who I see frequently and need to protect and so I don't want to risk her life for my selfish reasons. I am frustrated as well because I miss being active in the hobby. Anyway just my thoughts.
I’ve only seen 3 different providers since March. Only one of them multiple times and the last time I’ve saw her was 4th of July. Survival rate is about 99% but I am still reluctant to push my luck. On the up side of the pandemic I’m making good money,just not spending much. My job has me traveling to hot spots for the covid .I do the best I can to stay safe . Live is full of risks as we all know. I am cautious but not fearful.
CatMan4u's Avatar
My two cents

I have slowed way down due to
real life things. But I do see a few different ladies that practice good cleanly habits and are low volume plus require screening so I am not concerned as much
I am healthy and take no medicine for anything.
I am pretty picky on who I spend time with
DallasRain's Avatar
I am seeing mostly regulars..some long long time regulars
and a few new guys that are well vouched for

I take my ionizer to put off in my hotel room before i set up my incall

I take my own cleaning products,sheets,pillows,towels and sterlizing equipement for toys

safety is priority
Like most, I have dialed back the activity. Although, the frustration is mounting. I think picking one or two providers and sticking with it is the best option for me.
Trust goes along way and if the person shares the same hygiene expectations, its about as safe as it can be. I have always stayed away from very young providers as the risk is much greater and the experience is not as good as a mature provider. Yourself and Dallas Rain are considered top drawer. Hope this helps
Vannah's Avatar
I just haven't been doing any traveling. My upcoming trip to NWA will be my first hobby trip since this mess blew up. Due to personal obligations with family, my time to visit with clients is already extremely limited, but I feel that even with a mask and taking precautions at my real world job, I am more likely to contract Covid working with the general public than I am visiting one on one with a friend. At the end of the day, if it wants you, it will get you and there's nothing you can do about it. We can only hold ourselves personally accountable for the risks we take during a global pandemic.

If Covid takes me out after 26 years, I've had a good run.'s Avatar
I think prob is with hyper reaction to covid. Vannah's concern(
If Covid takes me out after 26 years...&#128516 Is what most ppl are suffering from. No fault of ours we are being treated like kids and not being enabled to make informed decision. Every one talks abt infection but no one is talking about how similar it is to other typical viral infections, there are no reported deaths in kids due to COVID-19, there are many ppl who got it but shows no sign of illnesses, its risky for ppl already having preexisting conditions, wearing mask is to lower the possibility (flattening d curve). If u r a medical person you would very well know What we r doing is no where close to quarantine! It's nearly impossible to avoid it in kind of lives we live. Eventually heard immunity is final solution in my opinion for COVID-19 and all future viruses.

I'm baffled at our medical system why no one is focusing more on healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy food... It's a mess and if u r smart, u will see the problem and arrive at your own solution.

techiedad36's Avatar
I think prob is with hyper reaction to covid. Vannah's concern(
If Covid takes me out after 26 years...��) Is what most ppl are suffering from. No fault of ours we are being treated like kids and not being enabled to make informed decision. Every one talks abt infection but no one is talking about how similar it is to other typical viral infections, there are no reported deaths in kids due to COVID-19, there are many ppl who got it but shows no sign of illnesses, its risky for ppl already having preexisting conditions, wearing mask is to lower the possibility (flattening d curve). If u r a medical person you would very well know What we r doing is no where close to quarantine! It's nearly impossible to avoid it in kind of lives we live. Eventually heard immunity is final solution in my opinion for COVID-19 and all future viruses.

I'm baffled at our medical system why no one is focusing more on healthy lifestyle, exercise and healthy food... It's a mess and if u r smart, u will see the problem and arrive at your own solution.

Peace Originally Posted by
I know this is not a forum I usually respond, but, with enough family in the front lines, I can provide some 'knowledgeable' info - just don't beat the messenger..

Everyone (non-medical) keep comparing it to the other viral infections. However, what they don't realize is this: The severity is the same for anyone who gets a 'viral' infection & is untreated (early treatment / healthy physique makes recovery quicker). However, with this 'viral' infection, it is the 'inconsistency' that is scaring the medical teams - some get mildly sick (most get well; some don't); some get severely sick (some get well; most don't); some are asymptomatic (this is the 'most' dangerous group because they are 'in essence' silent assassins (inadvertently pass it on to family & friends who could be killed)).
The %, etc within each group is statistics only. However, w/o a national testing standard or base, comparisons are opinions only & each person's opinion is based on their own experiences - I am a Data Engineer (career & profession). I can skew statistics in whatever direction I want it to be. So, I always take statistical information with a grain of salt.
there are no reported deaths in kids due to COVID-19. Originally Posted by
This is the type of uninformed comment that scares me. Quit watching Fox News and try reading the facts. There have been at least 90 reported cases of children dying in the US from Covid 19. Granted, in comparison to the total of over 176,000 deaths that is a small percentage, but to say there are no deaths from it is not a true statement. I have heard it said it is no worse then the flu. Between 12,000 and 61,000 people typically die A YEAR from the flu. The average is just under 24,000 a year. Again, over 176,000 have died in 6 MONTHS from Covid 19. I have personally lost one family member and 5 more infected with Covid 19. Two were young children, one only 5 years old. The kids caught it at a day care and gave it to their parents, so yes, kids can bring it home from school just as easily. They all fortunately got over it. So anyone who thinks this is “Fake News” a “Hoax” or “will just disappear” is either uneducated, uninformed, naive, or all of the above. It is real. When you lose a family member because of it then it will be real to you as well. Comments by people who say they don’t believe it is serious scare me as they are going to do the things to continue the spread and I personally would avoid them in the hobby as I do in my personal life. As for what I do, the same as most have stated. Right now I see just mostly regulars and respect what they are comfortable with so usually no kissing right now. If I see anyone new it’s usually a short visit so very little contact and exposure. You said you are 26? I have been in the hobby more years then you have been alive. Through the AIDS scare as well as other diseases and have always adapted my hobby life to protect me as well as the women I have seen through it, and I am doing the same now. I started wearing a mask long before it was required. Yes, if you are a 26 year old white man, even if you catch the virus statistically you will get through it. But if you are in the hobby you need to consider the women and basically everyone they see for the next 10 days as you are a contact to them as well. That’s my 2 cents. I usually don’t comment on post like this as everyone knows, and never these harsh of comments. But this virus is real, it is deadly and it is too important to get the real facts out there when false information is given to keep quiet this time. This is nothing personal against you or anyone here but take this disease serious. It’s not fake news
Vannah's Avatar
This is the type of uninformed comment that scares me. Quit watching Fox News and try reading the facts. There have been at least 90 reported cases of children dying in the US from Covid 19. Granted, in comparison to the total of over 176,000 deaths that is a small percentage, but to say there are no deaths from it is not a true statement. I have heard it said it is no worse then the flu. Between 12,000 and 61,000 people typically die A YEAR from the flu. The average is just under 24,000 a year. Again, over 176,000 have died in 6 MONTHS from Covid 19. I have personally lost one family member and 5 more infected with Covid 19. Two were young children, one only 5 years old. The kids caught it at a day care and gave it to their parents, so yes, kids can bring it home from school just as easily. They all fortunately got over it. So anyone who thinks this is “Fake News” a “Hoax” or “will just disappear” is either uneducated, uninformed, naive, or all of the above. It is real. When you lose a family member because of it then it will be real to you as well. Comments by people who say they don’t believe it is serious scare me as they are going to do the things to continue the spread and I personally would avoid them in the hobby as I do in my personal life. As for what I do, the same as most have stated. Right now I see just mostly regulars and respect what they are comfortable with so usually no kissing right now. If I see anyone new it’s usually a short visit so very little contact and exposure. You said you are 26? I have been in the hobby more years then you have been alive. Through the AIDS scare as well as other diseases and have always adapted my hobby life to protect me as well as the women I have seen through it, and I am doing the same now. I started wearing a mask long before it was required. Yes, if you are a 26 year old white man, even if you catch the virus statistically you will get through it. But if you are in the hobby you need to consider the women and basically everyone they see for the next 10 days as you are a contact to them as well. That’s my 2 cents. I usually don’t comment on post like this as everyone knows, and never these harsh of comments. But this virus is real, it is deadly and it is too important to get the real facts out there when false information is given to keep quiet this time. This is nothing personal against you or anyone here but take this disease serious. It’s not fake news Originally Posted by sas72032
I do take it seriously even though my age group (20s) has a good survival rate. I just have to keep my dark sense of humor though, so forgive me if anyone took my comment the wrong way.

As primary caregiver for my grandparents, the thought of bringing it home to them terrifies me, but with my real world job, I don't have the luxury of quarantining the way I would like to. I also have concerns for my clients health as well because you don't know what kind of health issues they have that could leave them extra vulnerable. I always wear a mask out in public, wash my hands with hot water every chance I get until they're depleated of moisture, and avoid touching my face. I wouldn't feel any safer if I did get regular Covid tests done or required my hobby friends to because there have been recorded instances of false negative tests as well as false positives. I'm not an infectious disease expert and I don't play one on TV, but according to the CDC website, in the early stages, it is possible that the virus won't even be detected. As others have pointed out, we are all adults here and we all know the risks of hobbying during a pandemic.
It sounds like you are taking every precaution Vannah and doing the right thing to minimize your risk and your clients. I apologize as I didn’t notice the 26 year old was a reference to your comment. This disease is real and serious and I just wanted to make sure the true facts on it were out there. Again, I apologize.