
Are promoters (won't name names) in cahoots with owners? Or are they parasites running some kind of protection/shakedown racket?
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 08-05-2019, 11:20 PM
The first one. This is an extension of Instagram influencers. Companies give their product to influencers to post positive recommendations. On Instagram they call them product ambassadors.

Here, we know who they are and why they are doing it.

The bigger questions becomes, how much influence do the spa owners have on the site owner? Or, are they one and the same?
Hank3fan's Avatar
What do you care if someone is a promoter or not? Sure we all get annoyed by threads that are left on the front page for a month at a time but learn to look past that. Or Sometimes a certain girl might get a little to much press, but why does that matter to you? Even if girls or spas are being promoted I find that the information is fairly accurate and therefore useful. If you find that your favorite place is not being represented well then It is upon you to take action and represent them in the nature that you feel is appropriate.Every time someone does a review it is in essence a promotion one way or the other either positive or negative. So quit your crying and take in the information and disseminate it like the rest of us. It’s the anti-trolls that keep the trolls alive.

“Kill the body and the head will die”
Hunter S. Thompson- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
What do you care if someone is a promoter or not? Sure we all get annoyed by threads that are left on the front page for a month at a time but learn to look past that. Or Sometimes a certain girl might get a little to much press, but why does that matter to you? Even if girls or spas are being promoted I find that the information is fairly accurate and therefore useful. If you find that your favorite place is not being represented well then It is upon you to take action and represent them in the nature that you feel is appropriate.Every time someone does a review it is in essence a promotion one way or the other either positive or negative. So quit your crying and take in the information and disseminate it like the rest of us. It’s the anti-trolls that keep the trolls alive.

“Kill the body and the head will die”
Hunter S. Thompson- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas Originally Posted by Hank3fan
1. Why do I care if reviewers have a personal financial interest? Really? Did you take time off from watching Tony Hill infomercials for the Gazelle to post this? "No one in this world, so far as I know . .. has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." H.L. Menken

2. I am not as sanguine as Mr. Groot. I think that behind the shill/promoter/tub thumper/promoter avatars there is some kind of pimp/shakedown/protection racket going in which the women are victims. I want to find out about that.

Now, I have to get back to my Shake Weight routine.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I just separate the wheat from the chaff.
I suppose one reason promoters piss people off is because, for many, their high post/encounter count paints them as someone to be trusted to give an honest, unbiased review, but the reviews typically are just infomercials. For guys who drop $$ based on those infomercials, only to be let down with bad to lackluster service, it makes this forum an unreliable source. I have been burned a couple of times, and I know whose reviews to not take into account. If the review just seems really over-the-top, with the reviewer experiencing a transcendental level of ecstasy while being tended to by an angel dropped directly from Sex Heaven, I tend to dismiss those.
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 08-06-2019, 09:36 AM
What do you care if someone is a promoter or not? Sure we all get annoyed by threads that are left on the front page for a month at a time but learn to look past that. Or Sometimes a certain girl might get a little to much press, but why does that matter to you? Even if girls or spas are being promoted I find that the information is fairly accurate and therefore useful. If you find that your favorite place is not being represented well then It is upon you to take action and represent them in the nature that you feel is appropriate.Every time someone does a review it is in essence a promotion one way or the other either positive or negative. So quit your crying and take in the information and disseminate it like the rest of us. It’s the anti-trolls that keep the trolls alive.

“Kill the body and the head will die”
Hunter S. Thompson- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas Originally Posted by Hank3fan

Truth in advertising should apply. A disclaimer at the bottom of the review/post letting us know their affiliation would be good.

People are being mislead and ripped off. If that is ok with you then your position makes sense.

OK, back to the spam wars....
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 08-06-2019, 09:36 AM
I suppose one reason promoters piss people off is because, for many, their high post/encounter count paints them as someone to be trusted to give an honest, unbiased review, but the reviews typically are just infomercials. For guys who drop $$ based on those infomercials, only to be let down with bad to lackluster service, it makes this forum an unreliable source. I have been burned a couple of times, and I know whose reviews to not take into account. If the review just seems really over-the-top, with the reviewer experiencing a transcendental level of ecstasy while being tended to by an angel dropped directly from Sex Heaven, I tend to dismiss those. Originally Posted by MemphisChris

^^^ this
Hank3fan's Avatar
1. Why do I care if reviewers have a personal financial interest? Really? Did you take time off from watching Tony Hill infomercials for the Gazelle to post this? "No one in this world, so far as I know . .. has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." H.L. Menken

2. I am not as sanguine as Mr. Groot. I think that behind the shill/promoter/tub thumper/promoter avatars there is some kind of pimp/shakedown/protection racket going in which the women are victims. I want to find out about that.

Now, I have to get back to my Shake Weight routine. Originally Posted by hellotherekitty
Ok Colombo you start your investigation.LOL

1. For starters it’s not Tony Hill its Tony Little. And I don’t have to watch the infomercials because I am Tony Little. And I live for “TOTAL BODY WORKOUT!”

2. I’ve known quite a few ladies from these places on a personal level outside of the spas. And not one of them is involved in any sort of shake down or victimization type situation (that includes management). They all come and go of their own free will. As is evidence by how often they jump from one place to another. The only racket that has any hold on a lot of them is the giant American Indian racket an hour north of here called Winstar.

Now I’m gonna jump back on my gazelle and get my “TOTAL BODY WORKOUT!”

This is very true about advertisements. PROMOTORS