World's First Global Warming Death

Climate Scientist Is Claimed by Ice Melt

Renowned Arctic expert Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice

(NEWSER) – He was a renowned climate scientist who spent his life studying melting ice in the Arctic and warning the world about the consequences. And it was those very dangers that claimed the life of Konrad Steffen, reports USA Today. The 68-year-old fell through ice at his Swiss Camp in Greenland and drowned in the water-filled crevasse. Steffen had been working with other researchers and went beyond a designated safety zone, apparently disoriented in windy, low-visibility conditions, a fellow researcher tells CBS News. “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim," Ryan Neely III, a climate scientist at the University of Leeds, tells the New York Times.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Not so fast. I heard he tested positive for Covid.
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 08:47 AM
That puts the DPST's in a real conundrum - whether to attribute the death politically to Wuhan virus or global warming!
LexusLover's Avatar
That puts the DPST's in a real conundrum - whether to attribute the death politically to Wuhan virus or global warming!
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
They don't like scientists anyway. His death should be investigated.
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 09:27 AM
DPST's will bow to their Marxist Teacher's Unions - and the incompetent teachers - and outlaw math, science, history, and any subject not directly contributing to their marxist revolution in Amerika!
Climate Scientist Is Claimed by Ice Melt

Renowned Arctic expert Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice

(NEWSER) – He was a renowned climate scientist who spent his life studying melting ice in the Arctic and warning the world about the consequences. And it was those very dangers that claimed the life of Konrad Steffen, reports USA Today. The 68-year-old fell through ice at his Swiss Camp in Greenland and drowned in the water-filled crevasse. Steffen had been working with other researchers and went beyond a designated safety zone, apparently disoriented in windy, low-visibility conditions, a fellow researcher tells CBS News. “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim," Ryan Neely III, a climate scientist at the University of Leeds, tells the New York Times. Originally Posted by friendly fred
So was it that particular spot that he fell through was a result of Global Warming?
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 10:00 AM
Of course -L - do you have any doubt in the mainstream Media?????
Of course -L - do you have any doubt in the mainstream Media????? Originally Posted by oeb11
Hahahahaha, Yeah, can't argue with that mainstream media. You would think by now that some Tech Giant would have come up with a Global Warming App to alert us of melting ice, lol.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Racism is the only issue. This is just another distraction.
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 01:25 PM
'Racism" is an every four year pre -- election tool the DPST's pull out to keep black people under control and on the DPST Plantation.

Let the young blacks let off some steam - and once the election is over, Al sharpton goes back to his mansions, suits, and fine dinners, and the Black people are irrelevant to the ruling class DPST's and LSM as long as they keep their mouths shut and vote DPST in return for peanut cash allowances for teh mid-terms.

'Institutional Racism, Universal Racism - is a marxist invention and tool against the party of Equal Opportunity for All!!
Carefully thwarted by the DPST nomenklatura in their shithole slum cities where they subjugate black people shamelessly.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how can we be sure he didn't commit suicide? what was he doing in the danger zone where the ice was unstable?
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 02:03 PM
Perhaps he found evidence the globe is warming naturally - part of cycles from Ice ball world to water world over millions of years - and was offed by the folks who did Epstein.

H... - gotta be hanging around it somewhere.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
'Racism" is an every four year pre -- election tool the DPST's pull out to keep black people under control and on the DPST Plantation.

Let the young blacks let off some steam - and once the election is over, Al sharpton goes back to his mansions, suits, and fine dinners, and the Black people are irrelevant to the ruling class DPST's and LSM as long as they keep their mouths shut and vote DPST in return for peanut cash allowances for teh mid-terms.

'Institutional Racism, Universal Racism - is a marxist invention and tool against the party of Equal Opportunity for All!!
Carefully thwarted by the DPST nomenklatura in their shithole slum cities where they subjugate black people shamelessly. Originally Posted by oeb11

Just another privileged, clueless redneck hiding behind his RACISM because he sees strong black WOMEN as a threat. Afraid to be exposed?

  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 02:45 PM
Thank you - narrative poster of the DPST marxist party- just another race-baiter like al sharpton - wants the world delivered on a platter because of "slavery entitlement: - rather than going out in the world of equal opportunity and working to advance oneself.

OBLM is a Marxist, Racist organization dedicated to a marxist revolution, and segregation of black folks.

I remember integration of schools - went well in my area and was supported. I put myself through an education - i started with nothing - worked to get an education and a place in society to which I contributed. And - cared for enough underprivileged to constitute a city of itself.

Does that give me any privilege - NO - I chose to earn my way and give back along the way.

It is now the DPST narrative imposing segregation and 'reparations" to buy the black folks vote and keep them quiet on the plantation. And once the election is over - the black vote - taken for granted by biden and his fake black harris Marxist - won't give a shit about black people - but he won't be around in four years regardless.

Privileged - another myth of Racist OBLM - 'white privilege is so ridiculous as only loony , guilty white folks afraid of rebutting false racism charges kowtow to al sharpton and race-baiters claiming 'Black Privilege"!!

Because 150 years ago there was slavery in America - and white folks need to pay me because I am a victim of slavery.

Ignore the Orientals who come over and work hard, advance themselves - and take advantage of the land of equal opportunity.

Until Marxist harris becomes POTUS - then it is a giveaway only to select plantation groups - and You and Al sharpton and ilk race-baiters will be shut the F out!

Slavery exists in america - the DPST party knows in its' narrative that it owns all Black people - just ask Joe biden - if you don't vote Biden - 'You ain't Black"!!!!

Take your own Racism - and put it in the toilet where it belongs!!
Just another privileged, clueless redneck hiding behind his RACISM because he sees strong black WOMEN as a threat. Afraid to be exposed?

Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Harris is a strong Black women? She married a white guy which is basically a big Fuck You to all of the weak black guys that think she's in tune with Black America. First of all she's not African American she's Eastern Indian and grew up in that culture from her mother. She's just a tool for the DNC to push race relations which she isn't capable of doing.