Attn. Latinas: Why Do Latina Ads Say “No Cubanos?” What’s Wrong With Cubanos?

HoHound's Avatar
I’m not Cubano, but I can’t help but wonder why most Latinas refuse service to Cubanos. I would love someone to explain it to me. Thanks so much.
I’m not Cubano, but I can’t help but wonder why most Latinas refuse service to Cubanos. I would love someone to explain it to me. Thanks so much. Originally Posted by HoHound
Because their pimp is a Cubano, and he doesn't want competition. Duh.
  • pipe
  • 07-28-2024, 08:17 AM
Other reason is because Cubanos might want to pay only $15 US dollars for an FS session since that's what Jineteras charge in Cuba.
They don't like pork and mustard ?
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Other reason is because Cubanos might want to pay only $15 US dollars for an FS session since that's what Jineteras charge in Cuba. Originally Posted by pipe
I may be wrong but this may also explain non-GFE and non-existent IOP from most Latinas. Is it possible that most of clientele is looking for a low cost slam-bam-thank-you-mam experience which drives them towards a purely transactional session?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I may be wrong but this may also explain non-GFE and non-existent IOP from most Latinas. Is it possible that most of clientele is looking for a low cost slam-bam-thank-you-mam experience which drives them towards a purely transactional session? Originally Posted by Aonegonexx
I have seen many Latina providers. Maybe they are the way they are because they are pimped or they flat out have a disdain for guys who chose to pay for an experience. Then, as you have pointed out, there are lots of guys who simply are satisfied with a provider just being a dead fish cum dump for a monetary transaction.

Just like real NURU is used for a marketing gimmick to bait business in the door in the massage world, true GFE is used for a marketing gimmick in the FS provider world. These use to be the exceptions to the rule, now, they are the rule and when there are exceptions, then usually, the intel on said provider(s) is kept quiet and certainly, no reviews.
HoHound's Avatar
Because their pimp is a Cubano, and he doesn't want competition. Duh. Originally Posted by slubby
So all pimps are Cubanos and Cubano pimps don't want Cubano clients. Why couldn't I figure that out for myself. I feel so dumb. I was hoping for an answer from a Latina female provider. That answer would have some credibility. Still waiting for an answer.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 07-28-2024, 11:26 PM
They're against communism.
Grace Preston's Avatar
S I was hoping for an answer from a Latina female provider. That answer would have some credibility. Still waiting for an answer. Originally Posted by HoHound
The problem is-- the ones with that policy are not likely to answer you-- any more than the ladies with an AA policy or the ladies with a No Asian Indians policy.
pmdelites's Avatar
They're against communism. Originally Posted by jan-w
^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^
more specifically, the cubana providers left cuba cos the cuban govt was wanting too large of a cut of their action. ya know - share your profits w/ society :^}
in the good ole usa, they and/or their management can keep a larger cut.

i was in cuba late last year and visited a small farmers co-op in western cuba. two of the farmers told me separately that they were required to give 90% of their crop to the cuban govt.
yet, i heard of and have read about lots of food shortages in cuba.

which tells me that, like many govts, the cuba govt doesnt know how to manage supply chains, so squanders the fruits of many small farmers in cuba.
Being a black Cuban must be the worst monger experience. They get discriminated against by American SW's and also by their fellow Latin SW's.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
I think they don't want to upset a Cuban woman that thought they had a good man.