MY 1ST BAD REVIEW!...:( uum...WTF?

So this one loser thought it would be cute to post on a review about me going to the bathroom 3 different times...and the rest was edited out! too bad I have no idea what he's talking about...i mean aparantly it was bad plus he and someone else WHOM IVE ALSO NEVER SEEN! said i had a pimp! ok not that theres something wrong with having a pimp except OH WAIT YEAH THERE IS! i work for NOBODY and that 1 lil post on my *already steallar* review didnt do a damn thing, well, except made him look tacky in so many different ways. so yeah go find my review and see what will happen if you see that guy unless you like a hater who lies for no apparant reason...unless pimping is hard these days and its part of the figures im over this. reviews are all bull*** im the shit and im expensive because of it... find out for yourself or shutup and go home to your wife B*
TheBizzer's Avatar
Couldn't find the review, but thanks for pointing it out.

Btw, just some feedback, your last highlighted, underlined in red statement does not make me want to rush out and see you. Just giving you a customer's perspective.

Good luck with everything.
Bizzer beat me to it. Believe it or not, many guys aren't trying to rush out the door to pay for someone that comes off with serious attitude and a huge chip on their shoulder. It kind of wrecks that whole "illusion of passion" thing.
really neco? sorry to wreck your illusion, but you still will comment on my thread though huh? whatever, someone who doesnt agree with me cant get in to see me anyways no matter how fast you rush or how much you pay. a liar and a pimp scam artist are of no use to me and anyone who feels the need to put in there 2 cents in a negative way about me please feel free... but dont rush to fast
The comments added to the review were mainly about correcting the OP about the incorrect use of the acronym GFE. He included that in the activities as Ginger being Full GFE, From the ROS many clarified for him that the term didn't apply to her as it is understood.

The review in question is here, and reply #18 is what she is disputing followed by the pimp comment on reply #19

The post was edited out by a mod because it apparently discussed a forbidden topic on the boards. Again, it was a comment added on and not a review.

The thing is, no one has replied to that review since 10/01. I don't understand why Ginger felt the need to bring this already forgotten episode to the front but, it is her review. She can exercise her right to dispute the comment and let everyone know that something negative was said about her. Good luck and I hope the effect of this thread is what you expected.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.
I think you might have missed the point. It might be better to just tell your side of the story without the need to get into the whole "I'm the shit, find out for yourself or shut up and go home" comments. It's really not necessary and it might actually put you in a bad light.

Obviously feel free to do whatever you want - just an observation, really.

I see this thread gong nowhere nice so I'll kindly tap out at this point. Good luck and hope you can put this bad experience behind you.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I'm so lonely!
You were right in that an edited comment at the end of a good review that has been inactive for 2 weeks would have little impact. But then you lit a fire and poured gas on it. There's more I could say about your other comments throughout this thread, but instead I will just go home to my wife.

Another shining example that expensive doesn't equal classly.
TheBizzer's Avatar
This thread will self destruct in 5...4...shit, too late.
ew poor guys its ok.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Just checked out your showcase. You really are beautiful. What a shame...
  • lluv2
  • 10-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Im not jumping on the bandwagon and Im not a WK, I have never seen the girl.

But the guy bumped the good review with crappy info more then a month after the original review was written. Why didn't he just write his own? Not only that, but she has 2 reviews linked to her showcase and one of them was the one the guy bumped. I can kinda see why she said something, since the review is one of only two that are linked.

I think I would definitely go to get a taste of this, she is freakin hot and has some spunk to boot. Maybe I should say I'd like to give her some spunk.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Guys, guys, come on. Lighten up. She's the "Cherry Bomb." Cannot fault this woman for truth in advertising. So I'm gonna WK up here. You guys are just too damned cruel. And I will have to point out that I had no idea Bizzer was a pimp. Gonzo is just too damned disappointed for words.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Guys, guys, come on. Lighten up. She's the "Cherry Bomb." Cannot fault this woman for truth in advertising. So I'm gonna WK up here. You guys are just too damned cruel. And I will have to point out that I had no idea Bizzer was a pimp. Gonzo is just too damned disappointed for words. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
Cat's out of the bag. Well, it ain't easy, that's fo sho