since too much talk of screening

Seriously how many providers really book without screening? One reason I never booked with most around here asks for screening info. And I am really not interested in giving any personal info out. Sorry wonderful ladies.
Screening is for us to feel safe, in hopes that you are not connected with or anything.

Really- There are providers who don't screen?


CenterLock's Avatar

I don't go so far as to have a hobby car and try and conceal my handle here when I book (actually I prefer PM over anything with a side message on P411) - but to not offer reasonable screening info?

It's like I told a provider not too long ago (one that was ready to See me with NO screening - so yes they are out there) - I know I'm a nice guy but you don't.

Lack of any screening upsets me to the point of not scheduling.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-20-2010, 03:50 PM
Sadly, most women know NOTHING about screening until they join the online sector of this lifestyle.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Seriously how many providers really book without screening? One reason I never booked with most around here asks for screening info. And I am really not interested in giving any personal info out. Sorry wonderful ladies. Originally Posted by ftwjoe
I can totally understand why a gentleman would be leery in giving out too much information for can and will be used against him if he sees the wrong lady! Sad, but it's true! Like I've said a million times, if you do your homework, you know which ladies that can be trusted and those who cannot! But, you go ahead and book with someone who doesn't screen.......let's just hope you don't end up behind bars, robbed and beaten, or dreaded NCNS!
Lauren Lane's Avatar
I recently had one of my ATF clients who is very under the radar tell me that one of the most popular posting and raved about girls on here did not ask him for screening other than his name He didn't see her based on that
CenterLock's Avatar
...let's just hope you don't end up behind bars, robbed and beaten, or dreaded NCNS! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
It should say something when the "dreaded NCNS" is the best possibility.

I agree about "too much info" but where my homework is for my safety, screening is for hers.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I recently had one of my ATF clients who is very under the radar tell me that one of the most popular posting and raved about girls on here did not ask him for screening other than his name He didn't see her based on that Originally Posted by Lauren Lane

The rules of engagement are there for your safety and that of your crew!

And usually the questions are few and easily answered. . .

And yes, I did decide against booking with a young lady a year or two ago because rather than ask for the P411 which I had at the time, said something to the effect of, "come on down, I can tell by your voice you're OK!"

I guess it's all in the voice. I no longer have the P411 because I don't get out often, but I still have references that I'm proud of and won't take any unnecessary risks with anyone who doesn't take this somewhat seriously.

  • KRH
  • 10-20-2010, 04:45 PM
As I mentioned on another thread, i'm very sceptical about putting my employment information onto any website involved with the hobby. I don't doubt the integrity of P411's owners, but at the end of the day it's software; and as a programmer, I know that any piece of software given enough time and energy can have its flaws exposed. There's also the thought of it being requisitioned by LE or similar if it had an involvement in a high profile case of some kind. The list goes on.

Conversely, i'm happy to provide any details to a provider directly based on a solid reputation and in person. I think it's much easer to make that judgment call on a person, standing in front of them, how they act, how they conduct themselves. Providing any ID requested, employment details, or any other piece of private info in person is not a problem to me for a provider's safety, but throwing it out onto the Internet is certainly a major issue for me personally. I guess that will one day be a barrier to seeing who I want, but I guess it's something I have to take on the chin.

Just my $0.02.
I really have no desire to meet a lady who doesn't screen. It is for her protection primarily but I also feels she is responsible and looks out for her well being. Generally that lady cares enough about herself not to have problems from arrest to std. I have no problem with the information required by P411 and believe it is protected well.

Men who are so paranoid about screening really should stay home with their SO, they will be much happier. Any provider who cares enough to be on the major boards are as much concerned about being outed as you are. Ladies in this profession are extremely exposed to many things if they don't screen well and none of them are good or healthy.

I really don't see providers who don't screen. I really don't see providers without reviews, almost never call a lady from backpage, but if I do, I google their phone number, email address and provider handle. Amazing how much info is out there. If you post here and someone google's your handle will come up with your posts here.

You are playing with fire in the hobby and you better be prepared by having your fire extinguisher out at all times.
  • KRH
  • 10-20-2010, 04:55 PM
Men who are so paranoid about screening really should stay home with their SO, they will be much happier. Originally Posted by luvstolickalot
LOL paranoia isn't reserved only for those with significant others! We've all got some things we don't want in the public domain, and as you infer in the last sentence, you can never be too careful.
TheBizzer's Avatar
Screening is necessary, but I'll only trust a third party like p411. Guys, I've had several well known and well reviewed providers over the years freely give out unsolicited information about clients of theirs. Giving real names and occupations of members here, what they like to do, what other illegal activities they're into, etc. This is without me asking, and in most cases telling them I don't want to know.

There is no attorney/client privilege here, I promise you.
  • KRH
  • 10-20-2010, 05:05 PM
Fair point, Bizzer, it's a pretty big gamble however you approach it. Don't suppose you'd be willing to PM me the providers names in confidence, so I can avoid them?!
I knew of one provider to clearly stated she did not screen her clients. She would ask them to do this and that, and she would see them after certain "hoops". But, she never asked for personal information.

I always found that interesting...
I know providers who don't screen but most do in one way or another. I am happy to tell any provider who asks, how I screen. There are other ways to do it like employment screening but I'm not familiar with those methods. I love P411! There are ways to secure references without giving away all your personal info.