The stable genius will wreck the GOP for a generation.

Trump is about to lose by a landslide. The only question is how badly he will wreck the rest of the GOP down ballot. Here are my predictions.

Trump loses BIGLY, the Dems keep the House and take back the Senate.

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have already signaled they may be retiring. So President Joe Biden or President Tammy Duckworth will replace them with two liberals.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg can finally retire knowing that she will be replaced by yet another liberal.

Roberts and Gorsuch (both only barely conservative) and Kavanaugh lose every vote 6-3.

Never mind the ridiculous idea of banning abortion.

Say goodbye to your gun rights. Watch your right to free speech get whittled away for speaking out against transgender nonsense or opposing racial quotas.

Good luck getting school vouchers past public school teacher unions.

All because the stable genius cannot control his twitter mania. Just this week alone:

1) He took a cheap shot at Bubba Wallace over the noose hoax. FACT - Bubba Wallace never saw the noose. A NASCAR official saw it and reported it to Wallace and the press. The whole thing was dying away until Trump revived it.

2) He criticized both the Cleveland Indians and the Washington Redskins for even considering name changes.

He stupidly picks fights with people in the private sector who can do what they please with their businesses.

Does he REALLY think these juvenile tweets are going to rally ANYONE to his side? Has he ever had a strategic thought in his life?

My only question is whether he is doing it deliberately because he has concluded he is going to lose and he wants to punish the GOP for not supporting him enough. He is going to take everyone down with him.

I am one who thinks Hitler analogies are generally asinine. But in this instance, he is Hitler in the bunker destroying Germany as he loses to the Allies.

Make your predictions here.
If the GOP loses big in 2020, it will be the culmination of a lot of steady national-level decline since the mid-2000's during the failed GWB era...not just a failed Trump admin. Trump is the GOP's last saving grace as a galvanizing force to drive voters to the polls (both for and against). However, even if Trump wins in 2020, I'm not sure who else in the GOP can carry a national election? DeSantis is losing his "shine" with the pandemic. Rand Paul is pretty niche. Ted Cruz can barely win his own state. Dare I say Tucker Carlson would be the 2024 presumptive GOP nominee?
Ripmany's Avatar
I want demcrocrat to win we will have a rebulian, there will let happen, the Republicans cop came to my house took all my guns. There said I need to go mental yard.
It is too hard to predict. Even though many people agree with many of Trumps policies, he too often goes NY street fighting mode when he would be better to just shut up.

On the other hand, the Marxist/Communist wing of the Democrats is getting larger, and AOC and the squad want to destroy this country from within.

I still think there is a silent majority that will vote against Democrats no matter what, and this group is more motivated to vote than any other group.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I still think there is a silent majority that will vote against Democrats no matter what, and this group is more motivated to vote than any other group. Originally Posted by farmstud60

for whatever reason, this group did not come out in 2018.
bambino's Avatar
for whatever reason, this group did not come out in 2018. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Trump wasn’t on the ballot. But the GOP did pick up seats in the Senate
If the GOP loses big in 2020, it will be the culmination of a lot of steady national-level decline since the mid-2000's during the failed GWB era...not just a failed Trump admin. Trump is the GOP's last saving grace as a galvanizing force to drive voters to the polls (both for and against). However, even if Trump wins in 2020, I'm not sure who else in the GOP can carry a national election? DeSantis is losing his "shine" with the pandemic. Rand Paul is pretty niche. Ted Cruz can barely win his own state. Dare I say Tucker Carlson would be the 2024 presumptive GOP nominee? Originally Posted by SecretE
Not very accurate blaming it on GWB.

Obama nearly wrecked the Dems during his 8 years. The Dems lost something like 900 state and federal offices during Obama's 8 years. Trump is handing it all back in 4 years.
Trump wasn’t on the ballot. But the GOP did pick up seats in the Senate Originally Posted by bambino
Jesus Christ, the GOP got slaughtered in the House and you take solace in picking up a couple of Senate seats?

In 2018, a much larger number of Senate seats held by Democrats were up for election. The GOP couldn't help but pick up a couple.

But in 2020, more GOP-held Senate seats are up for a vote. It could be another rout.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
There is going to be a rebellion either way. You think the Socialists can stand being defeated? Did Hitlery? Just spit-balling here, but that last bit was probably a good idea. On the upside, in Virginia you can now self-report to have your guns and rights taken away and they are Demonicrats. Maybe that's the place for you, plus they have a State funded mental ward - it's their State legislature.

I want demcrocrat to win we will have a rebulian, there will let happen, the Republicans cop came to my house took all my guns. There said I need to go mental yard. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Yes the Dimocrats own the House, but I remember a few short months ago when that theatrical farce of impeachment hearings with all those clueless clowns on national tv embarrassing themselves, I remember reading that something like 40 of those House members preside over a district that Trump won in 2016, so who knows?? ..... perhaps those members will, after the 2020 results are in, wish they had been a little smarter about how they voted on that issue ..... America was watching, and many of them are pissed and don't forget .....
Not very accurate blaming it on GWB.

Obama nearly wrecked the Dems during his 8 years. The Dems lost something like 900 state and federal offices during Obama's 8 years. Trump is handing it all back in 4 years. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
I'm talking on a national level, and it did start with him and the very suspect "compassionate conservativism" combined with war profiteering. Not to say we haven't had asshats like McCain, Romney, and Graham helping it along the way after GWB left office...but GWB was the origin.

On a regional and state-level...yeah, they have gotten numerous wins...but when the big national-level elections come around, save for a Trump on the ballot, more often than not, the Dems have been coming out on top.
Nobody is making any predictions. Doesn't anybody have any balls?
  • Tiny
  • 07-08-2020, 05:24 PM
Nobody is making any predictions. Doesn't anybody have any balls? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Biden wins the electoral college, 345 to 193 and the popular vote by 6%. Republicans win the Alabama Senate election. Democrats pick up seats in Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and either Montana or North Carolina. So the Senate is split 50/50 and our new Vice President, a woman of color, is the deciding vote. The Democrats keep control of the House.

Chuck Schumer, the new Senate Majority Leader, ends the filibuster. Biden appoints a successful, aggressive plaintiffs attorney as new Attorney General as payback for massive campaign contributions. Said attorney goes to work putting Republicans in jail, starting with Trump and family.

The economy initially does reasonably well as recovery from Covid-19 occurs. As the price of oil recovers, the politicians hamstring the domestic industry with restrictions on fracking and drilling on public lands so the USA again becomes an importer. Taxes go up, initially on corporations and the wealthy and then on everyone. But the politicians will continue to spend it faster than it comes in, so the government budget deficit goes up too. Employment remains high, partly as a remnant of Covid and partly because the Democratic controlled government encourages people not to work. But we limp along well enough so that Democrats retain control of government and are in reasonably good shape going into 2024.

In 2024 the Republicans run their dream "South Carolina" team of Nikki Haley and Tim Scott. The Democrats run Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who wins and appoints Ilhan Abdullahi Omar as her secretary of state. She also institutes a wealth tax of 90%, income tax of 70%, and death tax of 80% on billionaires. She taxes other productive Americans at somewhat lower rates. This of course starves businesses of capital and wipes out peoples' motivation to work hard. Despite this, or actually because of this, she is not able to raise enough money to pay for a universal income for all Americans, green energy including converting trucks and airplanes to solar, the 30% of GDP that will go towards the best health care for every citizen that a bankrupt nation can buy, etc., etc. So she fires all the Fed Governors and appoints a group of economists who believe like she does in Modern Monetary Theory. That is, if you're the U.S. government you can print as much money as you want and never pay it back. This does not end well, just as it did not in Weimar Germany, Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and various other banana Republics that ended up bankrupt, poor and with steeply devalued currencies.

Hopefully at this point the pendulum will start to swing and the voters will regain their sanity, like they did in Western Europe in response to socialist leaders. Someone like Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher will come along and the USA will again become great again.

All this could have been avoided if Kasich or Cruz had gotten the Republican nomination in 2016, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Trump is about to lose by a landslide. The only question is how badly he will wreck the rest of the GOP down ballot. Here are my predictions.

Trump loses BIGLY, the Dems keep the House and take back the Senate.

Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have already signaled they may be retiring. So President Joe Biden or President Tammy Duckworth will replace them with two liberals.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg can finally retire knowing that she will be replaced by yet another liberal.

Roberts and Gorsuch (both only barely conservative) and Kavanaugh lose every vote 6-3.

Never mind the ridiculous idea of banning abortion.

Say goodbye to your gun rights. Watch your right to free speech get whittled away for speaking out against transgender nonsense or opposing racial quotas.

Good luck getting school vouchers past public school teacher unions.

All because the stable genius cannot control his twitter mania. Just this week alone:

1) He took a cheap shot at Bubba Wallace over the noose hoax. FACT - Bubba Wallace never saw the noose. A NASCAR official saw it and reported it to Wallace and the press. The whole thing was dying away until Trump revived it.

2) He criticized both the Cleveland Indians and the Washington Redskins for even considering name changes.

He stupidly picks fights with people in the private sector who can do what they please with their businesses.

Does he REALLY think these juvenile tweets are going to rally ANYONE to his side? Has he ever had a strategic thought in his life?

My only question is whether he is doing it deliberately because he has concluded he is going to lose and he wants to punish the GOP for not supporting him enough. He is going to take everyone down with him.

I am one who thinks Hitler analogies are generally asinine. But in this instance, he is Hitler in the bunker destroying Germany as he loses to the Allies.

Make your predictions here. Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Then the Country is fucked, dumb on.