Seriously is it simply to shut down the government. Not pay our bills, de-value the U.S dollar, cause world markets to collapse? Is it to bring about the Armageddon they so desperately tried to pin on Obama?
Seriously what are their goals and objectives?
I just don't see the Tea Party folks that get voted in as being all that bright. In fact not very bright at all and the ones that are uber educated (like Ted Cruz) in my opinion are secretly laughing at all the people that vote them in. It really is a sad movement. I just wonder where were all these tea party loons before Obama got elected. Did they just start being fiscally minded in 2008 when Obama was elected and long after the recession started? Unequivocally, absolutely, positively, 100% yes.
I just get the notion that the tea party has no ideas, no plans to actually govern, and will eat themselves from within because they don't realize you cannot live in a society with no compromise. The very thing they espouse will come to a head when the people that elect and support them actually wake up and realize that the Koch Brother mindset is nothing but corporate form of Big Government. When these people start to suffer more because of a lack of healthcare while these major corporate figures have billions to take care of their families, then maybe they'll finally get what everyone else has been saying for years.
The tea party movement is nothing but a movement started solely based on Obama's skin color. It's sad watching these people fight against their own interests.
Gain perspective: