So Just What Is The Tea-Party's Grand Plan?

Seriously is it simply to shut down the government. Not pay our bills, de-value the U.S dollar, cause world markets to collapse? Is it to bring about the Armageddon they so desperately tried to pin on Obama?

Seriously what are their goals and objectives?

I just don't see the Tea Party folks that get voted in as being all that bright. In fact not very bright at all and the ones that are uber educated (like Ted Cruz) in my opinion are secretly laughing at all the people that vote them in. It really is a sad movement. I just wonder where were all these tea party loons before Obama got elected. Did they just start being fiscally minded in 2008 when Obama was elected and long after the recession started? Unequivocally, absolutely, positively, 100% yes.

I just get the notion that the tea party has no ideas, no plans to actually govern, and will eat themselves from within because they don't realize you cannot live in a society with no compromise. The very thing they espouse will come to a head when the people that elect and support them actually wake up and realize that the Koch Brother mindset is nothing but corporate form of Big Government. When these people start to suffer more because of a lack of healthcare while these major corporate figures have billions to take care of their families, then maybe they'll finally get what everyone else has been saying for years.

The tea party movement is nothing but a movement started solely based on Obama's skin color. It's sad watching these people fight against their own interests.

Gain perspective:

You are an idiot.

"the Tea Party has no ideas"..............that tells us just how dumbed down you are.
You are an idiot. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, it is you who has repeatedly shown himself to be the "idiot." We all vividly remember:


TRENDY, you have a long history of seeing a recent headline and thinking it represents a new "TREND."

Wake up and smell the roses, Trendy. The fact that a Tea Party candidate takes out a Republican is not a "TREND." Instead it presents an opportunity for a Democrat to win the seat in November. As late as yesterday morning, I suspect the Democrats did not believe they had a chance to win Cantor's seat. I feel quite certain they are reanalyzing their position, as we speak.

I don't proclaim to know anything about the demographics in Cantor's CD, but I do know this much.

The Democrats probably think it is a gift from heaven. I am not making any bold "TRENDING" claims in this race. I will leave that dirty deed to the amateurs like you!
You are an idiot.

"the Tea Party has no ideas"..............that tells us just how dumbed down you are. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You're right. They have one idea the most grand and noblest of them all which is to shut down the government if they can't have their way. Disgusting and pathetic. You people ought to join Eric Snowden in Russia because you're nothing but Benedict Arnold's, traitors, and turn-coats all cloaked in a horrible Halloween mask of "Patriotism"
No, you have proven to be the "idiot."

You have a long history of seeing a headline and thinking it is a "TREND."

Wake up and smell the roses, Trendy. The fact that a Tea Party candidate takes out a Republican is not a "TREND." Instead it presents an opportunity for a Democrat to win the seat in November. As late as yesterday morning, I suspect the Democrats did not believe they had a chance to win Cantor's seat. I feel quite certain they are reanalyzing their position.

I don't proclaim to know anything about the demographics in Cantor's CD, but I do know this much.

The Democrats probably think it is a gift from heaven. I am not making any bold "TRENDING" claims in this race. I will leave that dirty deed to the amateurs like you! Originally Posted by bigtex
Spot on. Most times it depends on the district but by and large you're spot on. Most level headed thinking Americans see the tea party for what they are, a dangerous fringe group who supports the likes of Cliven Bundy.
You people ought to join Eric Snowden in Russia because you're nothing but Benedict Arnold's, traitors, and turn-coats all cloaked in a horrible Halloween mask of "Patriotism" Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Not to mention, that Trendy now identifies himself with The Taliban Commanders.

AbsoFUCKINGlutely despicable!
Spot on. Most times it depends on the district but by and large you're spot on. Most level headed thinking Americans see the tea party for what they are, a dangerous fringe group who supports the likes of Cliven Bundy. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I agree, with one notable correction:

a dangerous fringe group who supports the likes of Cliven Bundy and The Taliban Commanders.
I agree, with one notable correction:

a dangerous fringe group who supports the likes of Cliven Bundy and The Taliban Commanders. Originally Posted by bigtex
Taliban / Tea-liban there's no material difference.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are an idiot.

"the Tea Party has no ideas"..............that tells us just how dumbed down you are. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, why didn't you answer any of Zanzibar's questions and claims?

Upon what principles do then Tea Party stand?

Well, according to, there are 15 NON-NEGOTIABLE Core Beliefs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

- See more at:


Well, if it's Non-negotiable, then there are your answers. There IS no plan. They believe in the dismantling of government, period. The only thing sacred to them is gun ownership.

Well, why didn't you answer any of Zanzibar's questions and claims?

Upon what principles do then Tea Party stand?

Well, according to, there are 15 NON-NEGOTIABLE Core Beliefs:

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm not trying to be an asshole but I especially like the use of the word encouraged on #15. It gives them an out to be on this site checking out hookers. LOL
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-11-2014, 09:08 AM
Z, I think you go overboard, but just by a little, not a lot.

Odd how during the entire Bush-2 era there was little seen of the TPers even though the enemy Reps were in power. They did seem to just get loud and angry about the time a dem got voted in, didn't they? I do believe the race of the dem president is not a big issue for some of the TPers but it certainly my is for some others of them--as I have had many of them tell me very bluntly. It is unfortunate that someon both sides have made race their primary decision factor. Some LWWs refuse to criticize obama because he is back, some RWWs critisize him as a gut reaction because he is black. And of course each side only sees these evils in the other side (just look at the vehement denials by certain members on here when their excessively racially toned comments are challenged).
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not pay our bills, de-value the U.S dollar, cause world markets to collapse? Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
That is exactly what Odumbo has been and is continuing to do, Zany! It's called "Quantitative Easement", you dim-retarded moron, and it means the U.S. is devaluing the dollar so that it's not legitimately paying its debts with money that has a value equal to the value the money the U.S. borrowed, Zany!

Not to mention, that Trendy now identifies himself with The Taliban Commanders.

AbsoFUCKINGlutely despicable! Originally Posted by bigtex
Whereas your dumb, dim-retarded ass, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, openly and unabashedly supports Odumbo who hobnobs with the likes of the Weathermen: Ayers and Dorhn.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-11-2014, 09:22 AM
They really don't need to count up to 15.

7 can be summarized as "I shouldn't have to pay for things I don't want to pay for"

2 essentially say "Everyone should have to pay for what I think is important"

And 3 basically say "My values should be everyone's values".

See how much more succinct they could make it?

The new Virginia TP nut seems to fit right in; it seems he is a Thumped Based Economist--i bet he can wrap up an out 13 of the 15 points in one jazzy slogan.

As with all simplistic propaganda lists, the tough stuff is left out as "details". Things like WHOSE traditional values, and what do you really mean by English is important"--Carlisle Indian school anyone?
Z, I think you go overboard, but just by a little, not a lot.

Odd how during the entire Bush-2 era there was little seen of the TPers even though the enemy Reps were in power. They did seem to just get loud and angry about the time a dem got voted in, didn't they? I do believe the race of the dem president is not a big issue for some of the TPers but it certainly my is for some others of them--as I have had many of them tell me very bluntly. It is unfortunate that someon both sides have made race their primary decision factor. Some LWWs refuse to criticize obama because he is back, some RWWs critisize him as a gut reaction because he is black. And of course each side only sees these evils in the other side (just look at the vehement denials by certain members on here when their excessively racially toned comments are challenged). Originally Posted by Old-T
How do I go overboard?

The left liberal elites hold Obama accountable all the time and they call him out. The right accepts racists and hate mongers unequivocally, and they won't stand up and challenge them at all. Fact is American voters have been voting race since the very first Presidential election and it's the reason we've never had a black pres until Obama. Typically we don't look it that way but it's absolutely the truth.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How do I go overboard?

The left liberal elites hold Obama accountable all the time and they call him out. The right accepts racists and hate mongers unequivocally, and they won't stand up and challenge them at all. Fact is American voters have been voting race since the very first Presidential election and it's the reason we've never had a black pres until Obama. Typically we don't look it that way but it's absolutely the truth. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Your hypocrisy is showing, Zany.