Fucking statist..................fears liberty and freedoms..................

He is a joke of a spokesperson for the GOP............he uses the widows and orphans of 9/11 in his attack; but, dismisses the privacy concerns of NSA as "esoteric" !

He is one of the GOPs weakest on border security, immigration policies, visa enforcement, employee sanctions....for him to talk tough on national security issues, using 9/11 victims, is an insult.
LovingKayla's Avatar
He lost me when he sucked obitch's dick after sandy. He's lost every supporter I know.
I agree...............IMO he will have to jump the GOP if he wants to get past the primaries and to the nomination.

He lost me when he sucked obitch's dick after sandy. He's lost every supporter I know. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Fat boy will waste a lot of money AND lose.
The RNC gets behind him and they lose another election.
He swapped spit with Oblohole. The media wants the RINO...I say FUCKEM
The psychotics speak.....
JCM800's Avatar
damn is that a recent picture?!? ...that lap-band surgery isn't working out too well for him.