Opening the country up over three phases

At a live press conference Trump
announced a 3-phase operation that gave no dates but gave governors the power to open up their economies based on meeting specific gateway criteria.

Some states already met the criteria and can begin opening up their economy as early as tomorrow

What are your thoughts?
I am happy with it because not all states are suffering in the same manner so it makes no sense to treat a state like New York and Kansas as the same

Trump also mentioned issues that are a result of the lockdown such as mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, and violence

I think those are important factors as I know domestic violence has risen 22% in the Kansas City area alone

Is very important to get everybody back to work as safely but quickly as possible
Also in these phases it was mentioned that high-risk individuals seek shelter which in my opinion has made the most sense in the beginning because as we look at the data these are the individual that are succumbing to the illness more than anyone else.
At a live press conference Trump
announced a 3-phase operation that gave no dates but gave governors the power to open up their economies based on meeting specific gateway criteria.

Some states already met the criteria and can begin opening up their economy as early as tomorrow

What are your thoughts? Originally Posted by Sienna91
Did Trump mention what those three phases would be?
I am happy with it because not all states are suffering in the same manner so it makes no sense to treat a state like New York and Kansas as the same

Trump also mentioned issues that are a result of the lockdown such as mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, and violence

I think those are important factors as I know domestic violence has risen 22% in the Kansas City area alone

Is very important to get everybody back to work as safely but quickly as possible Originally Posted by Sienna91
Definitely mental issues. I am certain they'll be a spike in suicides and murder suicides. There probably already is but that's kept quiet because they don't want upset the fear factor of the virus itself.
So I'm going to try to give a synopsis

Also keep in mind there will be data used to determine if your State can begin the phases and when they can advance

Phase 1 -restaurants, movie theaters, and large sporting venues, gyms, churches but schools and daycares bars cannot. These places can open if they can operate under strict physical distancing.. At-risk individuals should still shelter in place. Elective surgeries are allowed an outpatient surgery. No visitors to Senior Care facilities or hospitals. Minimize non-essential travel.

Phase 2 -at risk individuals should still shelter in place. Schools and daycares can reopen, start non-essential travel
No visitors to hospitals or Senior Care facilities
Venues such as restaurants movie theater sporting events are allowed to still be open remember they were opening phase one but they can go from strict social distancing to moderate level. Bars can open with social distancing

Phase 3 at-risk individuals can come back to the public but should social distance from others. Jobscan follow normal staffing protocols visits to hospitals and Senior Care facilities can resume. Large venues can move from moderate social distancing to limited social distancing

Some states will be able to start phase 1 before May 1st some after
Obviously depends on how much of a b**** your Governor is but a good way to get an idea is look at the United States map of the live coronavirus tracking and see where the hardest-hit areas are and that should give you some kind of indication on whether you going to be first or last
Lol sinna. Did you know that trump can not give governments of state permission? Except maybe in Texas n oklahom lol. Stay in ok or TX girl
  • Tiny
  • 04-16-2020, 06:25 PM

Phase 1 -restaurants, movie theaters, and large sporting venues, gyms, churches but schools and daycares bars cannot. These places can open if they can operate under strict physical distancing.. At-risk individuals should still shelter in place. Elective surgeries are allowed an outpatient surgery. No visitors to Senior Care facilities or hospitals. Minimize non-essential travel....

Some states will be able to start phase 1 before May 1st some after Originally Posted by Sienna91
Having people shoulder to shoulder in movie theaters and large sporting venues anytime around May 1 would be suicidal. And probably foolhardy anytime before there's a vaccine.

Restaurants, churches and gyms with masks and/or appropriate social distancing and sanitizing make sense.
Having people shoulder to shoulder in movie theaters and large sporting venues anytime around May 1 would be suicidal. And probably foolhardy anytime before there's a vaccine.

Restaurants, churches and gyms with masks and/or appropriate social distancing and sanitizing make sense. Originally Posted by Tiny
You will not be allowed to be shoulder to shoulder anywhere in phase 1. Every business in phase one has to practice social distancing
Also keep in mind this is a community by community-based approach meaning we can't make blanket statements about who and who should not open unless you're specifically talking about your community and you have the data support it because there are states that have barely been affected at all and as long as the other states that are greatly affected follow their phasing protocol and don't travel to unaffected States then we should be fine

Because we have to get back to work the longer this goes the worse off we will be and if parts of the country are ready to go then I see no reason why we shouldn't get those up and running slowly
HedonistForever's Avatar
Lol sinna. Did you know that trump can not give governments of state permission? Except maybe in Texas n oklahom lol. Stay in ok or TX girl Originally Posted by Tsmokies

He made that known the day after he said he had sole authority. Sometimes you have to give him a day but he comes around.

Kinda like DeBlasion saying he would keep New York schools closed for the rest of the year and Cuomo said "No, I'll make that decision" or certain Governors making decisions only to have a federal judge tell them "you don't have the authority to do that".
He made it very clear that the states had the authority to open up their communities but he also made it very clear that the longer they stayed close the more damage will be done to the economy so if they want to stay closed for the hell of it just to spite him then they will be the ones that will suffer

basically when things don't go people's way the only people they can blame is their own local government

by continuing to make statements such as "up to the states individually" he's trying to take the heat off his own ass even though we know what the federal versus state rights already are
my fear is that this will become a Democrat versus Republican issue and that some democratic governors will stretch it out past the date that is safe for their state just to prove a point

At this point it shouldn't be Democrats versus Republicans it should be how to safely and most effectively and quickly get this country back up and running
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
If Mr. orange wants everything open so badly so his stock market can sore lets see his ass out there ringing the bell and shaking hands and huggins his traders