Biden’s Deplorable moment

bambino's Avatar

He should stay in his basement and keep quiet.
I heard Biden posted some whacked out shit on his Twitter feed but it has since been deleted. I doubt he even knows how tweet.
bambino's Avatar
I heard Biden posted some whacked out shit on his Twitter feed but it has since been deleted. I doubt he even knows how tweet. Originally Posted by gnadfly
His wife helps him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"The event, hosted by Joe Kiani -- the founder and CEO of the Masimo Corporation -- and Sarah Kiani -- a board member of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition -- drew about 55 attendees online, according to the Biden campaign."

WOW! what a groundswell of support! Corn Pop has Trump on the ropes.

bambino's Avatar
"The event, hosted by Joe Kiani -- the founder and CEO of the Masimo Corporation -- and Sarah Kiani -- a board member of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation and Competition -- drew about 55 attendees online, according to the Biden campaign."

WOW! what a groundswell of support! Corn Pop has Trump on the ropes.

BAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I’m sure Speedy will remind us Biden’s beating Trump in all the battleground polls!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 04:03 PM
Does Biden comprehend what a political Poll is???
bambino's Avatar
Does Biden comprehend what a political Poll is???
Doubtful! Originally Posted by oeb11
It’s obvious Biden doesn’t understand much. The shutdown was the best thing to happen for him. It gives the Dems time to scheme.
Why did it take Obama so long to endorse Biden?
  • oeb11
  • 04-17-2020, 04:41 PM
Obama waited until there was only one horse still running.

He did not want to endorse a candidate - and have that candidate lose the nomination.

Pure politics.

If he could run for a third - he would - and i guarantee he thought about it.
bambino's Avatar
Obama waited until there was only one horse still running.

He did not want to endorse a candidate - and have that candidate lose the nomination.

Pure politics.

If he could run for a third - he would - and i guarantee he thought about it. Originally Posted by oeb11
Biden wasn’t his choice. He had to do it. For now.
Jaxson66's Avatar
“There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in the politics of division," Biden said. "They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and... dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race. This is the one [sic] of the few presidents who succeeded by deliberately trying to divide the country, not unite the country.”

Old Joe got it right....the great leaders goal is to be president for life of the divided states of Amerika. But the tremendous incompetence of the great one won’t allow him to succeed. Besides, he isn’t concerned with country’s problems he’s more interested in robbing the treasury for the top 30%.
HoeHummer's Avatar
His numbers are dropping again, so he’s changing his mind again. Yous worry about Biden’s ability to tweets? LOL! Trump proves every day he doesn’t knows whether to shits or go blind.

Gotta keep those numbers up, eh?

Keep the cogent material comings boys. It’s always amusing watching the alt-wight melt down.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Remember when the DNC proffered a slate of "diversity" candidates like Kamaltoe Harris and Cory "restroom" Booker. Then called the primary electorate - which were the Demonicrats exclusively - misogynist and racist?. But they picked Joe "Rapey Fingers" Biden instead? Those were good times.
“There are people who support the president because they like the fact that he is engaged in the politics of division," Biden said. "They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad and... dividing this nation based on ethnicity, race. This is the one [sic] of the few presidents who succeeded by deliberately trying to divide the country, not unite the country.”

Old Joe got it right....the great leaders goal is to be president for life of the divided states of Amerika. But the tremendous incompetence of the great one won’t allow him to succeed. Besides, he isn’t concerned with country’s problems he’s more interested in robbing the treasury for the top 30%. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
This country has been divided long before Trump ever hit the scene. Just remember Biden has been around Politics since the 70's in that time span he hasn't done shit to unite this country, and he never will. He can't say he'll be instrumental in uniting the country when he makes it public that he doesn't work for the people. Biden is nothing but a fraud, no doubt.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden wasn’t his choice. He had to do it. For now. Originally Posted by bambino

no, Biden wasn't. Obama was going to wait until after the convention, now that's pushed back to August and Biden is essentially running unopposed. Sure BernieTard is still on the primary ballots however Bernie isn't a viable candidate. So Obama moves early to freeze out Bernie (again) and endorses Joe.

this will be interesting in August. Biden may not have the delegates to clinch and then it's a free for all.

Obama waited until there was only one horse still running.

He did not want to endorse a candidate - and have that candidate lose the nomination.

Pure politics.

If he could run for a third - he would - and i guarantee he thought about it. Originally Posted by oeb11

oh Obama has schemed about it, no doubt. there is a way for that to happen. Biden names Obama as his VP candidate. then promptly dies in office. Obama is Prez again. brilliant! the 22nd Amendment limits 2 elected terms. does it prevent a former president from being VP and then filling out the term of the Prez if needed? the 25th Amendment means Creepy Joe doesn't even have to drown in a bowl of chicken soup. he's nuts off his rocker now.

yes. this evil plan could work.