PSA: Get your naughty bits checked

BigGuy13's Avatar
Just putting this out there. Not looking for sympathy, just a friendly reminder...

I had to have a physical for my new years insurance, which is doubling in rate, thanks to Obamacare, but I digress. I normally get an annual physical, but last year, things came up, and I skipped it. This time, my doctor found two lumps on the right twin. I'll be having surgery on December first to remove righty, so I guess you can call me Lefty from now on. I'll be tested afterwards and may need to go through some follow up treatment, but other than that the prognosis is good. Well, I'll be out of commission for a little while, I will probably miss Bunny's final visit, and I might lean to the left a little and walk in circles at first...

Get your stuff checked, ladies and gents. This hobby has some scary things that come with it, but this is not related, can happen to anyone, and is fixable if caught early.
bottoms up's Avatar
Good thing your handle isn't BigGuys13 huh?
Just mess in' with you, Good luck hope all goes well!
What the fuck happend to your balls? Is it std is it cancer...quit this suspenseful shit and tell us.
What the fuck happend to your balls? Is it std is it cancer...quit this suspenseful shit and tell us. Originally Posted by SanAntonman
Haven't you heard? There's a new strain of Herpagonasyphilaids that make your balls fall right off and gives you testicular carcinomas.

Bro, it's cancer. He even said that it wasn't hobby related and could happen to anyone.

Good luck BG. I wish you best.
Good luck, and thanks for the reminder. You might not be able to be a Show Dog anymore, but I'm glad you'll still be here!
Chuck10's Avatar
Thanks for the friendly reminder BG13. Sorry to hear about this but glad to see it's not affecting your sense of humor. Will keep you in my prayers that all goes well and as planned...
BigGuy13's Avatar
Yes, this is "possibly" cancer. They won't know until they remove it and then test it. They can't do a biopsy as it is encapsulated, and puncturing it could allow whatever it is to flow through the system and possibly spread.

Thanks to those that understood...
Guest010619's Avatar

Damn that sucks!
One of my friends back in college also had one testicle (He mentioned it after an MFM 3-way) and I don't remember what he said was the reason. None of us thought he had any diminished performance.
I hope that you will continue to thrive afterwards.
Best of luck bro, you might find you'll bounce back from this.
Meantime I'll keep you in my prayers.
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 11-16-2016, 11:19 AM
All the best for a successful and complete treatment, BG13.

FootLong's Avatar
Sorry to hear you are being "benched".

An annual checkup is a must for the mature hobbyist, and gents in general.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Hey, Ladies get lumps too. :wink:
Dr Grey's Avatar
I personally do two visits a year. More if needed. Can never be too careful as some are not. Hope for a successful recovery big guy.
Thanks for the friendly reminder BG13. Sorry to hear about this but glad to see it's not affecting your sense of humor. Will keep you in my prayers that all goes well and as planned... Originally Posted by Chuck10
mayorcastro's Avatar
That suck, homie. Good luck with everything. See if the docs will let you keep it and put it in a jar on your desk.
Good luck and speedy recovery.

Righty righty tighty and lefty loosey or something like that, just make sure they snip the correct berry and not the twig. LOL