
how do i make an alert?
i do not know what to say my first day

I can see you are frustrated, but there is a private section for providers once verified that you can post alerts. Not sure of the exact procedure to get verified.

I'm sure a moderator will remove the phone numbers from the post you put in this section.

Try and be patient, it could take several hours to get a reply, as those that monitor the board have other jobs, and do this board on the side.

She contacted me via PM before the posts were made and I responded back over an hour ago. I had assumed this info was private, but once I read the board......its not.

She was told to contact me by someone, but I have no idea who this is.

I know it is a name I haven't seen on the board, and says she just joined today. Since there were 3 separate posts, I thought I would respond.

At least you could give a little more detail than I could in your PM's.
There's not much anyone can do for her. I don't know her, so as much as I would like to, I'm not going to put my name/rep on the line with getting involved.

The only advice I could give is that she changes her number and not give it out to guys in the future until the guy has been screened.
I don't find it to be a good policy for the phone numbers that were posted elsewhere about this topic to remain visible online. Regardless of what is being stated, isn't this the same as "outing" someone? It needs to be cleaned up and then information can be backchanneled to those that need it.
Amen MP.

I've said that often to ladies and as much as I dislike the RTM button, I will hit it when I see a number being posted.